#45: Up Your Marketing Game and Messaging with Fabi Paolini

Welcome to The Creator's Adventure where we interview creators from around the world, hearing their stories about growing a business.

Today we are talking with Fabi Paolini about how to be clear on your marketing messaging, reach your ideal clients and position yourself as a premium brand.

Fabi Paolini is a Brand Strategist, Online Business Coach and premium brand designer helping coaches and experts position themselves as authorities online by upgrading their marketing through magnetic messaging that attracts weekly high-ticket sales.

Fabi is originally from Venezuela and arrived in the US in 2015, where she built her business and generated $2 Million over the past 4 years.

Learn more about Fabi Paolini: https://www.fabipaolini.com/


Bryan McAnulty: Welcome to The Creator's Adventure, where we interview Creator's from around the world. Hearing their stories about growing a business. Bobby Paulini made over 2 million in part by being clear in her messaging. Today I'm talking with her about how you can be clear in your messaging, how to identify your ideal client and why you should raise your prices.

Hey everyone. I'm Bryan McAnulty. I'm the founder of Heights Platform. Let's get into it.

Hey everyone. We're here today with Fabi Paolini, a brand strategist online business coach and premium brand designer, helping coaches and experts position themselves as authorities online by upgrading their marketing through magnetic messaging that attracts weekly high ticket. Fabi is originally from Venezuela and has arrived in the US in 2015 where she built her business and generated over 2 million over the past four years.

Fabi, welcome to the show.

Fabi Paolini: Hey, I'm super excited to be here and to give your audience some interesting feedback and insights into messaging and branding and all the things that they can do to be able to attract better clients into their businesses.

Bryan McAnulty: Awesome. Yeah. I'm excited to have you here. So my first question for you is, what would you say is the biggest thing that either you did or you are doing that has helped you achieve the freedom to do the things you enjoy?

Fabi Paolini: Okay, so I have a lot of answers to this question. I don't only have one. Obviously. I think that messaging in general has been really extremely important in my business. The more that I've gotten clarity around my message and who I am as a brand and who my audience is and how I help them, the easier everything has become because that has given me clarity in terms of what type of content to create, how to make sure that the content.

Speaking to the right people, how to make sure that I'm not wasting my time on conversations with people that lead nowhere. So on like that external piece, it's gonna be the messaging, but then internally it's always gonna be mindset. So I can't just answer messaging cuz I have to say. The daily mindset work and keeping my brain safe at all costs is really, really important to getting to build a success I've felt as well,

Bryan McAnulty: So what, what's an example then of like keeping your brain safe?

Fabi Paolini: Well, so I've really realized that You know, a lot of people do mindset work when things aren't going well, and they're like, okay, let me do journaling. Let me do visioning or meditation, or whatever. Like, let me do the work when things aren't well, and what I realize is that when that work needs to be done the most is when you're actually feeling well, like when you're feeling good.

Because what you wanna do is really build more of that momentum. So now when I feel good, I'm like, oh, I feel good. Let me run. Meditation or let me, in my case, I try to work out almost every day. Not because I'm trying to get a six pack, which would also be nice, but really because I really feel like that movement helps me release any negative energy that's in my brain or any negative thoughts or whatever that is.

But basically when I feel good is when I really double down in the mindset work to really make sure that I'm amplifying that and building. Positive momentum. Obviously when I feel bad I try to do other things as well, but that's kind of what I focus on, just as much mindset stuff as I can .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, that's great.

Yeah, I found myself that. The the times when I'm super, super busy and I would feel that, oh, I probably don't have time to go exercise or something right now. I try to anyway, because I think that it helps. And even if I'm, I'm tired or working a lot it actually helps give me more energy and, and work out all that stuff.

So, yeah, I agree with that. And the point I would say, like for me, I agree with that because I. I think it's good to build the habit of doing it as well, so that way, because some people would say, like, you give the example to say, well, people may decide, well now I'm gonna try that things aren't going well, but some people will just not try it at all because they say, well, that's true.

Things aren't going well. I don't have time for that. Exactly. And so that helps you build the, the habit with it too.

Fabi Paolini: Yeah. I really think that there's nothing more, like, there's not a bigger bottleneck, let's say like that in your business than your brain. For me, it's like what do I do to make sure that my brain is feeling awesome and really working out has been very helpful in that.

And again, I'm not like a, like a, I don't know, like a gym going person, like somebody who usually loves going to the gym. But I really feel it's like a pill I'm taking each day to keep my brain feeling good. So I'm like, I'm working. I'm like, I really don't wanna go. It's raining today, but my brain really needs to have this and I usually end up, you know, just feeling better.

So .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, definitely. So you came to the US in 2015 and you started your own business. Can you share a little bit about the story of how you got.

Fabi Paolini: Yeah, so I actually came, I actually studied university here in Miami, but when I graduated I went back to Venezuela and cuz that's where I'm originally from.

And I literally had built a business that was entirely word of mouth business. You know, like all referral base, all very, very local. And, and what happened is that I used to work with a lot of musicians at the time because my husband is a songwriter and obviously he would bring me a lot of clients and I would do all their branding and design stuff and all of like the great music.

CD covers when they still existed. Well now they're still digital, I, I guess, right. Anyways, so 2015 we come to the US for like, my husband had a few work things and I was pregnant with my first daughter and I was like, okay, we're gonna be here for a couple months and then we're gonna go back. But once my daughter was born at the end of 2015, It was just really difficult for us to go back.

Our country was, at the time, literally falling apart politically. A lot of things were happening and we made a decision in about April of 2016 of staying in the US and I, it was like the scariest decision in the world to make. And it was like, okay, well now what do I do to get clients? All the musician clients that I knew, number one, were back in Venezuela, could not pay me in dollars.

And number two, one of the biggest things that was impacted during that political crisis that was going on in that moment in Venezuela was the entertainment industry, and therefore my husband and all of the other singers and songwriters or. We're like, when my husband, his career was made out, like he was doing a lot of concerts and shows, which obviously when a country is in crisis, nobody's gonna go to a concert or show.

So all of that got put in pause and it was, I felt like the spotlight had been placed on me and I was like, okay. I need to get clients. I need to figure out what to do now to get clients in the us. So I got super active, invested a ton of money, did all of the marketing programs you could possibly imagine, the one that you're thinking about.

I probably did it. I did a lot and I implemented, I took a lot of action and little by little I kind of started shifting from being a generalist of being like, okay, I'm a graphic designer. I do branding, I do messaging for anybody. If you had a restaurant done, like if you had. Store. Okay. If you were a coach.

Okay. So I would take on any single client in the beginning and little by little as I got better at what I did and as I understood and understood who my ideal audience was, I became much more of a specialist. And now I focus on working on with coaches, consultants, and experts mainly and service providers basically.

But you know, that was kind of basically a story of me really trying to figure out. How do I get clients and investing in doing everything possible to make that happen? That's like the summarized version.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. I would say like whether somebody is is doing it because of a crisis or something, or just because you're kind of uncertain.

Yeah. And like you're trying to start a business. So many people say, well, you have to be a specialist. You have to specialize in, so, I think that it's really helpful actually to start as a generalist. Yeah. Because it, it kind of, first of all, you can, you can try a bunch of things, but then it also helps you discover for yourself, well, who do I enjoy working with?

Who, who is my ideal customer? And I can relate to that in my own way that our business started as a web design company. Web design, graphic design, that kind of thing. And so similar to yours in a way. And we originally said, well, we're gonna be like, we're gonna be in like multimedia design. We're gonna do everything.

So we're gonna do websites, print video, music, everything. And that was interesting for me when I started, cuz we got to do all these different projects and always be doing something like really creatively different. But over time I realized like, How can we become more specialized? How can we work with who is the real ideal client that we can serve both for like the value we can provide and who we wanna work with.

And so in time, that eventually became for us, like web applications and building web applications specifically. And that led us to now our business today where we built our own product, Heights Platform. So I, I definitely think that's, It's a good path actually. If somebody is saying like, Hey, I'm, I'm in the crisis mode right now, or I'm just starting right now.

I like the idea of starting general and then becoming specific if you don't have the clarity around who your audience is.

Fabi Paolini: And what you do for them. I think that starting general is a good option. Usually I'll be, I'll tell people that the faster that you can niche the better. But obviously if you're in a, in a spot where you're like, I really genuinely am exploring right now, I'm trying to figure out where I'm really good, well then I would probably keep it a little bit more general.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. In that case. Yeah, I agree. So, yeah. So you moved to a different country at this point. Now you mentioned to me that you have three daughters. All of that didn't stop you from having a profitable bus, profitable business. What would you say is like in, in that desperation moment where you felt like the spotlights on me, I have to figure something out.

What did it look like for you for, for getting those first couple customers? Like what, what were you doing at the time? Were you just, were you calling people? Were you emailing people?

Fabi Paolini: Well, okay. So basically what happened was, the first thing that I did is I emailed every single person that I knew. I had gone to university here in Miami, but I don't know if this is a Miami thing or a US thing, but people at least here, they come to college in Miami and then everybody leaves.

So nobody was local, right? Like the majority of people just weren't here. But regardless, I reached out to everybody I created. Little PDF that was like this, these are my services, what I do. Any person, any referral, any possible, like, whatever it could be. I sent out as many emails as possible and that is literally how I got my first client.

I actually started working with Del Mundo. Of all things, that's not at all what I do today, but back then that's what I was doing or, or where I. I, I had a good friend whose husband worked in Telem and she was like, well, they're actually looking for designers. And I was like, okay, sure. And that's what happened.

And then a parallel from that, I also started working, just posting in a lot of Facebook groups essentially is what I was doing. And this is back in 2016, basically were, that was probably a. Prevalent strategy than it is today. It still works, but just differently. So I started posting in a lot of Facebook groups and that's how I also got some of my first clients, like online from people that were not referrals or some people that didn't know me at all.

My first client was a website called Meditation Republic. Actually, I a whole bunch of things for this guy for a super cheap price, now that I think about it. But it is what it is and. You know, help him build his brand and design a whole bunch of things in that. And, but yeah, I was basically posting everywhere that I could.

And then what happened is I started investing, right? So I was like, okay, I need a, I need help. I need to make sure that I'm charging a higher price point. Cuz I was charging extremely low at the time. I was like, okay, I need, I need somebody to help me figure out how to get the high client like high paying.

So I invested in a program that taught me how to do webinars automated webinars through running ads, and I just took a lot of action. Basically. I, I think that one of the things that has always been, for me, the biggest key to my success is being an action taker. Like, Reno Shine. I'm taking action. Like I have three kids.

I have a bunch of stuff. I have a husband, I have a household, I have, you know, like I have to go to the gym. I have, but I always need to make sure that I have a plan on like, okay, how am I showing up and how do I make sure that I'm consistently being seen in a way that is. Very smart and productive because I don't have 24 hours a day to dedicate to my business, obviously.

So I was just always taking smart action and investing in myself, investing in my business, and getting as much strategy as I could until I got to a point where I realized that strategy wasn't the differentiator, it was the messaging piece that was, if that makes sense. .

Bryan McAnulty: Cool. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. I wanna talk about messaging now.

So, We mentioned briefly before too, like the clarity in the messaging is super important. Mm-hmm. and I could give the example, even just this past week, I was thinking about personally for our business like how much of a challenge that still is because we're at the point now that our software product heads platform, it's so complex.

That there's so many things that somebody could misunderstand of what it does because it's a course software. And now we just released this webpage builder feature, so now you can build your whole website on it too, and does all these different things and it's, it's difficult to convey all that very carefully.

So it's, it is a challenge every business faces, but across like your current and your past clients, what would you say that is, like the biggest challenge related to messaging that brands face?

Fabi Paolini: Okay. So I think that there's a few different things, but the main thing is not, is kind of comes back to what you were saying right now, not really understanding what it is that you do for your client.

So most of the people, they are like, well, I'm a health coach. I am a business coach, I am a whatever. Right? And that's kind of you talking about your title or your name, but not really going deep into, okay, but what's the outcome of that? What is the actual result? And more importantly than that, what is the problem that you're solving for your client?

Because I feel like that is usually the place where people get stuck. They think that they know, but it's too vague. It's too like well, I help you reach your potential. Well, what, what, what does that mean? What is potential? What? Like how do you turn it into something? It doesn't, I, I know that a lot of people talk about like, you wanna make sure that you have a very specific and tangible result.

It doesn't have to be, it's not that it has to be tangible in the sense of like, well, I help you grow from one to two. Or, you know, like, or, or I help you land a promotion that gets you x amount of. I think it's not necessarily about that, but about making sure that you're giving people specific examples of what they're gonna be doing as a result of the work that you do.

And I know that that sounded almost like the same thing, but I mean like really making it highly grounded to them so that they can read what you're saying or hear what you're saying and be like, oh, okay. So what you're saying is that. through this platform, I have an all in one solution, a place where I don't have to go into 25 different places to kind get these things done.

I have one place where I go, I can manage my clients. I can manage like my marketing, I can do all these different things and I don't have to go create, okay. Like how do I, how do you give me examples that your ideal audience can hear and say, okay, that that's something that relates to me. That they can hear it or read it and.

I get that, that's like, you're speaking my language. So I think that that's probably one of the most common mistakes that people make, is that they don't really know what the problem that their audience is experiencing is. And more than that, they don't know what, what their solution, like, what it is that they do for them.

It's too vague. Does that make sense?

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. One of the things we tell everybody is, before you build your online course, the first thing you gotta do is figure out what's the result that you wanna provide. Yeah. And I like the, the example you're giving though, that it doesn't have to be. A hundred percent tangible necessarily.

It just has to speak to them. Exactly. Because yeah, so if you say like, oh, I'm a, I'm a health coach, or whatever, well, everybody wants to be healthy. But you can't just say, well, okay, great, then that, that's good. It means it works. No you have to be speaking to that person, like why would somebody working with you specifically?

What, what do they want to get from it? And so Exactly. Yeah. If you can say something that, that connects them to that, that. That's really what's gonna make the difference. So what are some other tips you would share maybe for coaches, course Creator's of how they can get better in their.

Fabi Paolini: Okay, so one of my favorite tips that I give people is around how you speak to your audience, because what I see most people doing is something that I call being the Ursula, where you're speaking to the poor, unfortunate soul.

So basically what's happened is that most of the online marketing. Space coaching space is teaching you to speak to the pain, speak to the problem, go dig deep into the problem that your audience has. Tell 'em how horrible everything in their life is and how you can help them solve the problem. You can come in and save them from their horrible situation.

And what I find is that when you. Central, your communication so much around pain and problems, you end up attracting that, like becoming that Ursula, right? You end up attracting people that are so stuck in their problem. They won't be able to afford to pay you whatever you're charging them. So instead, what you wanna do is really lead with desire.

Okay, yes, there's this. Problem. But what is the vision that your audience has? What is the, what is the big picture dream that they have? What do they actually want? And use that more as the thing that drives your message. Now again, that doesn't mean that you're not talking to problems because obviously people will move more when they're going away from problems, but we wanna also paint the picture of where they're going towards, if that makes sense.

So it's not just pain, it's. What's the desire? What's the vision? What do they want out of this? What I find is that the more that I've done that, the more that I've been able to attract people that are like, yeah, let's go. Right? And, and I think about myself as a client for other coaches. I don't move when you're like, ah, your business is falling apart.

Cuz I'm like, no, it's not. You know, that's not me. But if you're telling. Like, you want this, you wanna get there, you wanna achieve all these things, but you're experiencing this specific problem, then I'm like, yes, that's what I want. Like how do I solve it? It's, it's kind of a, it's, it's kind of like two sides of the same coin.

Does that make sense?

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, yeah. I agree. And, and I like that approach be approach because definitely like, you can attract people either way, but Exactly. You have to think about like, who is your ideal client? Do you wanna attract the kind of people who they're, they're stuck in this? Mindset. This is everything where they're really suffering versus people who are successful, people who are gonna come to you and say like, yes, here I have this money.

I'm willing to spend you because you're going to, to help me achieve what I want. Exactly. And like, yeah, and maybe, maybe you honestly really do truly wanna help the, the people who really, it is more of a struggle wherever they are at in your particular business. And that's fine. But but yeah, I like the general advice to be.

Maybe, maybe hesitant of all the marketers saying specifically, it's always has to be about the pain.

Fabi Paolini: Right. Well, but coming back to what you were saying, I think that even if you're speaking to somebody who genuinely is struggling, and I mean most of the people listening to this, most of the people that have a business, you have a business because you have a problem to solve.

Right. If your audience doesn't have a problem, you don't have a business period, right? So there's nothing wrong with speaking to people who are stuck, but it's about how do I make sure that I speak to the people who are stuck, but also who are going to take action, whether that's investing or actually literally like taking action, right?

Coming back to the health coach example it, you know, you might be speaking to somebody who's overweight. And has zero intention of ever losing weight. Or you can be speaking to somebody who's overweight and is like, okay, I'm gonna go to the gym and I'm finally ready to start eating better or whatever.

Right? These are two very different people, and you could obviously solve a problem for both of them, but one of them doesn't even think that they have a problem. Maybe they don't have a problem, whereas the other one, I'm gonna take action. I am ready. I'm going to act, actually eat what I have to eat or move how I have to move or do the things, and that's who you wanna talk to.

The person who's gonna take action and get results at the end of the.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, definitely. Yeah, you could help people either way, but the, the person who's not willing or ready to take action there's a different problem you have to help them with, which is taking the action. Exactly. And if you, if you wanna do that, you can, but if you wanna impact more people with your specific teaching is better to find the people who are ready to take the action.

Fabi Paolini: Yeah, you're gonna get more results too. Like literally your clients are gonna be, you're gonna get much more results and, and testimonials in all of it. And at the end of the day, that's what we want too. .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Hopefully. Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna, it's gonna motivate you in your own business from seeing the results that you're able to get for people, so, exactly.

Cool. So we talked about how it's important to understand the ideal cr ideal clients and how you can craft a message for them. So for people who are listening, maybe they, they get this concept now, but they don't really know their audience. What's some other ways you can figure out, well, this is who my ideal customer is,

Fabi Paolini: so you really wanna think about, okay, looking at what I'm doing right now.

Who is the person that would get the best results from the work that, that they like from working with me or going through my course or going through my program and really digging into asking that question. You know, it's, it's truly about understanding. Well, where does this person need to be to actually get results?

And not only that, where does this person need to be ready to hire me right now? Whether you're charging a hundred dollars or a hundred thousand dollars, it doesn't matter. There's gonna be an audience for you. What you really need to think about, okay, who is this person? What would be like, what is the I don't know, like the psychology or all of the little insights and details behind somebody who's willing to spend a hundred dollars or a hundred thousand.

Again, I'm just using the extremes, but there is a person for each of those examples, and you really need to understand, okay, who is this person? What has to be going on in their life right now That would be, they would be ready to spend that 10,000, a hundred thousand or whatever that is. And I'm just exaggerating with the a hundred thousand, but I do have a client that has a, just to give you an example, A $300,000 year long program.

So those people exist. The people that are able to spend $25,000 a month to be coached by somebody else. But obviously you have to understand, okay, well who would that person be? Somebody who's already making a lot of money that they wouldn't mind spending a $300,000 in a year to work with you. Right? So you, it's really about understanding.

Well, who is, what's going on with this person? That they would have so much extra money and they would have that sort of desire to take action. Who, does that make sense, ? Yeah.

Bryan McAnulty: Well, like how, how far would you say someone should go with that? Like, should they write out like a whole like, persona of like, What, like what this person does for a living?

Like how much money they're willing to spend, like all that kind of thing? Or like what their problems are? Yeah, like how old are they? Like, or is it just enough to figure out like the general,

Fabi Paolini: I think that the more detail that you can get, the better. And I always tell this example that this is the reason why you see companies like Coca-Cola that spend literally millions of dollars a year in focus groups and market research and whatever.

It's never ending. It never ends. That's a good thing. You don't want it to end. You wanna be in a place where you are constantly evaluating and understanding your audience. So not just like three or four bullet points of like, oh, this is a millionaire. Okay, well great, awesome, but who is this person?

What's going on? Why are they looking to invest in coaching? What's going on in their life? What's, what happens when they wake up? What's what happens in the middle of the day? How much extra time do they have in a day? What are some of the issues that they're experiencing? The more that you really understand your.

The clear your message is gonna be, and when I say your message, I mean your sales page copy, your emails, your funnels, your webinar, your PDFs. Every little piece of copy or message or videos or anything that you create is gonna be stronger when you really understand your audience.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Yeah. The better you understand them, the more reasons you're able to give them of why they should work with you because Exactly.

You know their exact pains and problems. Exactly. That's. Awesome. So you also help coaches and experts position themselves as premium brands to attract more of these high ticket sales. Mm-hmm. . So in your opinion, why do you think it's better for coaches to aim to increase the price of their offer?

Fabi Paolini: Well, I think that To be honest with you, I really think that the people that pay more get better results.

And I mean, I don't know about you, but I know that anytime I've paid more, I've gotten better. And I actually have a story about this. I, I have been the classical ex, like always on a diet type of woman, right? Like my whole. Adulthood almost. Right? But it's always been one of those things where it's like, well, whatever.

Like, you know, I'll go to the gym and then not, or now I do. Now you guys know that I do that I work out all the time. Or it's like, well, I'll get on this like little $35 diet plan that I bought or whatever, right? And earlier this year I was like, I get it. Like I understand what's needed of me at this point.

I could probably be a health coach and, and explain to people what macros are and protein and fat and what, like I get it right. However, I need accountability. I need to have a coach by my side to really make sure that I'm taking action and I'm not like dropping the ball or, or overeating or whatever, right.

I know that that's my responsibility, but I really feel like I need that support. So I went out and I hired a a coach where every single week I have to kind of, you know, check in and say what's going on or whatever. So anyways, all that to say that I ended up losing like 20 pounds in, in three months.

Obviously. I'm like, I paid this person, this person's holding me account. I need to make sure that I'm showing up and I'm doing the work. It's such a massive difference, and this is like a very silly personal example, but I have experienced this as well over the years as I have increased the price of working with me because it's like a upward cycle, right?

Like I'm like, okay, let me raise my prices. I get my clients come in, they get better results, which means that I'm kind of justifying even more raising my prices. So I raise them more, and then it's. Again, up like upward cycle of getting better and better and better clients and better people getting better results, basically, the more money you paid, the more that you're gonna be committed to taking action.

I don't care what it is that you do, that is the absolute truth, right? Like you put the money down and suddenly you're like, I'm focusing on taking action and doing this thing, focusing on the strategy or doing the messaging or. Whatever it is that each of each one of you does, right. But it's like, it, it makes such a big difference and people literally will get better results.

So it is what it is. .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, no, I, I can, I can attest to that and I, I think it's it's definitely a truth. And I spend a lot of time talking with people who are pretty early on in their journey. And I would say like, the way that you figure out cuz I don't know if you're listening to this and you say like, okay, well that, that.

I don't know if you would say it sounds easy or hard that like, just raise my prices. I, I don't know if I can just do that, but the way that I think it, it can make sense to you if you are someone listening to this who's more earlier in their journey is once you do that project for that client, that customer if you have this feeling that like, wow, I, I should be charging more for this.

That's kind of how you know, you know? Yeah. And you can raise your price from there and then usually you can continue cuz you're going to continue to get better at what it is that you. And in general, yeah, like people will actually take action better when they're investing in something. And so like in our example, like in our business in particular, like our primary product is our online course software.

And that's what we want it to remain. But our, our kind of goal and value as a company is any, like education that we provide, we want it to either be free or as affordable as possible for people. Mm-hmm. , our goal is the online core software. That's the, the main product. Right. And if we can train you and, and help people become better, then they'll use our product longer.

Mm-hmm. . And so that's kind of our incentive too, to, to offer training, offer podcasts like this for free. But there's certain things I feel that we have to charge for because if we made it completely free, then people wouldn't really get the value out of it. Cuz they'd say, oh, it's a free thing, I'm gonna ignore it.

But if we charge for it even a little bit, then somebody says like, okay, well I've invested in this, now I have to, I have to get the value from it cuz I'm paid for it. Right. And in that case, like sometimes though a little bit even isn't enough. So in our case, we have to find what is the right balance of not being too much.

But if you charge somebody to say, oh, I'll give you this thing for, for $30 or whatever, depending on your audience still, they may buy the $30 thing and never ever look at it even. And that's true in, in your business probably. You want them to look at it. It's not just about the money because you want them to, to get to that next step and work with you and buy the more expensive thing later.

Fabi Paolini: Well, I, I, I just feel like it's about staying for me, it's not necessarily about getting them always to buy the next thing. I just really want people to get results. Yeah. And I know that in consuming the content and taking action and following the things that I walk you through, you're gonna get results.

But if I give it to you for free, you're not gonna look at it. And listen, I can tell you like over the years, I've given my program away for free a few times for people like my group coaching program you know, like whether it's been as a, like a scholarship opportunity or whatever. Very rarely do the people that I give the program away for free take get great results because it's, it's not the same and it's the same.

Brian, I have pro, I have clients who have done. Amazing things. You know, I have a couple clients that have generating, are generating more than a hundred thousand dollars per month in their business. And the getting the same knowledge as the person who I give the program away for free and they're not getting the same results.

It's just not the same. The psychology, when you are investing and when you're investing more is really powerful. And if you are in a place where you're starting out and you're like, ah, I don't know. Listen to your gut, like start. You don't have to go in and charge high ticket from day one if you feel like that's not where you're at, especially depending on the service that you're selling or the course that you're selling.

But doing it little by little and normalizing the numbers you'll see. That there's a spot for anything and everything. Like there is a market for basically almost everything. I mean, there's little exceptions obviously, but for the most part, with a globalized world, there's, you're gonna have clients for anything that you need basically, or anything that you can sell.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, definitely. And, and I think a lot of. Beginners and as coaches or course Creator's really tend to doubt themselves too when it comes to pricing and they think, oh, well, I'm not sure. Maybe I shouldn't charge enough. Or maybe, maybe I should charge a hundred dollars instead of a thousand dollars.

And really like the value is there and the customers are out there who would pay it too. Yeah. It's more of just a, a self doubt issue and, and even like, but like, what I would suggest is like to prove it to yourself and, and try, you know, try, try both options and, and see what works for you. Because yeah, as you said, like the people are out there for whatever your niche audience is,

Fabi Paolini: that's what messaging is for.

When you are clear about who you. And why you, you understand who your ideal audience is and you understand the outcome that you deliver. You can charge whatever you want as long as you're good at communicating that effectively. Obviously I do think that there needs to be a really good match between all of the different pieces, meaning, okay, I have a good message.

You wanna make sure that your brand looks the part if, if you're coming on and saying, well, I'm gonna start charging. 3000, 5,000, $10,000 for my program, and you have a really crappy looking brand like website that looks like it was done by your cousin, or you bought a template from GoDaddy or whatever that is, right?

It's gonna make an impact in like, okay, you're telling me that you're a premium coach or you have a premium program, and yet everything looks pretty. That's not gonna be helpful. All of the different pieces need to be in place. There needs to be coherence in the program. If you're selling well, well, you're only getting just a few sessions and there's not a logic about what happens in the program, what's the process like?

That's gonna be harder for you to sell high tickets. So you need to make sure that all of the pieces are in place so that you can start charging a higher price if that.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. The coherence and congruence of everything is super important, and you don't have to, you don't have to have everything.

Perfect. I would say to your earlier point about how you always take action, taking action is more important than having everything perfect. Yeah. But if you can get all those pieces connected and done the right way, then yeah. You're, you're set basical.

Fabi Paolini: Yeah. Oh, absolutely. You don't need to have all the, you know, done is always better than perfect.

And taking action is gonna make you move a lot faster than just kind of waiting, waiting, waiting on until you have it all. And I've seen that happen a million times. I've had clients who are like, well, I wanna record my complete program. I had, I had a client that I worked with a couple years ago who was very much stuck.

I wanna make sure my program is already when I launch, and it took her months because the thing is that it was actually like three partners and each of them lived in a different country. So for them to kind of be like, okay, let's record our module, it was really difficult for them to get all the schedules in place.

It took them like nine months to have the program ready. But, and I was like, come on, like, let's get other things moving. And by the time the program was ready, like a lot of the momentum was gone. So it really took a lot of, okay, great. You built this amazing program. Well now we have to come in and, and rebuild the momentum and not cuz you're exhausted now from creating all of that.

So there's definitely things that you can do and and you wanna take action if you're waiting, it's gonna be a long game for you, .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Yeah. What, what we've seen in our own business. Is like I get the opportunity to see thousands, of course, Creator's and mm-hmm. . Biggest mistake. I always say that people make or or not, the biggest mistake, the biggest failure.

That people have, it's not their branding, it's not their marketing, it's not their content. It's actually that they didn't launch the course. Yeah. And cuz like we've seen examples where they get any one of those things right and they're successful. We have examples of Creator's where they ignored, like the brand completely.

They don't have a, a custom domain. They have the opportunity to like brand their whole program, put their logo, put their colors, they didn't even do that. And they have a six figure income from their course because their marketing is good and their content is. And, but then like, yeah, there's people out there who will say like, everything has to be perfect and mm-hmm , then they just take so long that they never actually get it launched.

So if, if you're comfortable with taking some certain amount of time because this is more of a hobby for you at first, that's fine. But if it's not, then recognize that, I would say and figure out how you can take action and be more comfortable with the imperfections, I guess, in the beginning. Yep.

Fabi Paolini: That's it.

Bryan McAnulty: Cool. All right, so I have one more question for you. If you could ask anything to our audience, if there's anything that you're curious about, anything you want them to think about, what would that.

Fabi Paolini: Well, I feel like what you really wanna do I'm actually gonna leave you with a thought basically, and we, I, I kind of talked about some of those questions already before, but really what you wanna think about is what about me is different?

How am I showing up differently in the content that I'm creating in the program that I'm selling? How can, how am I infusing the things that I'm putting? With more of me, my personality, my experiences, my points of view, my way of looking at life, all of that. And what I really would want and encourage your audience to do is to really sit down and audit your own content, audit your own.

Instagram posts your own sales pages, your own programs, and think about, well, is this really something that comes across as unique and different? And is this something that comes across as specific to my ideal audience as well? I think that sometimes we go in and do all the work and do all the things, and we don't really sit down and think about, is this really actually something that's standing out in the market when there's so much noise out there?

So I really encourage you to take a look at. Hopefully that made sense, .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, that's great. Yeah, it's a careful balance of action and reflection where necessary. Exactly. That's it. Awesome. Well, Fabi, thanks so much for coming on the show. Before we get going, where else can people find you online?

Fabi Paolini: Yes, you can find me as Fabi Bini everywhere.

I'm sure that they can see the show notes to see how they spell Fabi Bini. And I have a really great guide for you guys. It's five strategies to Attract more high quality, ready to Invest. Premium clients into your business. You can find that at fabi.com/leads. Cuz it's all about getting high quality leads.

Yeah, it's a really great guide. I go very specific showing you examples of little things that you can do to really be able to attract those people into your business. And that's it.

Bryan McAnulty: All right. Awesome. Thank you.

Fabi Paolini: Thank you so much.

Bryan McAnulty: If you enjoyed this interview and want the chance to ask questions to our guests live, tune in on Tuesdays when new episodes premiere on the Heights Platform Facebook page.

To learn more about the show and get notified when new episodes release, check out The Creator's Adventure dot com. Until then, keep learning and I'll see you in the next episode.

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About the Host

Bryan McAnulty is the founder of Heights Platform: all-in-one online course creation software that allows creators to monetize their knowledge.

His entrepreneurial journey began in 2009, when he founded Velora, a digital product design studio, developing products and websites used by millions worldwide. Stemming from an early obsession with Legos and graphic design programs, Bryan is a designer, developer, musician, and truly a creator at heart. With a passion for discovery, Bryan has traveled to more than 30 countries and 100+ cities meeting creators along the way.

As the founder of Heights Platform, Bryan is in constant contact with creators from all over the world and has learned to recognize their unique needs and goals.

Creating a business from scratch as a solopreneur is not an easy task, and it can feel quite lonely without appropriate support and mentorship.

The show The Creator’s Adventure was born to address this need: to build an online community of creative minds and assist new entrepreneurs with strategies to create a successful online business from their passions.

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