#66: How Karla Alcazar Turned her Passion for Illustration Into a Business

If you have ever considered turning your passion or hobby into a self-sustaining business, this episode is for you.

Karla Alcazar will teach you how she started her journey as an illustrator and how she overcame the doubts that come from comparing ourselves with others online.

Welcome to The Creator's Adventure where we interview creators from around the world, hearing their stories about growing a business.

Karla Alcazar is a mexican born illustrator who likes to explore short narratives, limited color palettes and character design.

She graduated from Norwich University of The Arts in 2014 and has worked as a freelancer since. She's done editorial work for books and magazines and recently has started teaching illustration basics on Skillshare, becoming a top teacher on the platform.

She currently resides in Mexico and she is starting to expand her illustration practice by tapping into children's literature. Learn more about Karla: https://karla-alcazar.com/


Bryan McAnulty: Welcome to The Creator's Adventure, where we interview Creator's from around the world, hearing their stories about growing a business. Today's guest is gonna share the story of how she turned her passion for illustration into a career, and how she overcame the doubts that we all battle with when comparing ourselves to others online.

Hey everyone. I'm Bryan McAnulty, the founder of Heights Platform. Let's get into it.

Hey everyone. We're here today with Karla Alcazar. She is a Mexican born illustrator who likes to explore, explore short narratives, limited color palettes, and character design. She graduated from Norwich University of the Arts in 2014 and has worked as a freelancer since she's done editorial work for books and magazines.

And recently started teaching illustration basics online courses. She currently resides in Mexico, and she is starting to expand her illustration practice by tapping into children's literature. Karla, welcome to the show.

Karla Alcazar: Hi. Thank you. Thank you for having me, Bryan.

Bryan McAnulty: Sure. So my first question for you is, what would you say is the biggest thing that either you did or you are doing that has helped you to achieve the freedom to do what you enjoy?

Karla Alcazar: That's, that's an interesting question because I think that I'm still working on it, and that is to include playfulness in what everything I'm doing or working on. I think that a lot of creative people, well, I think everyone's creative, but I think that people who work. To make music or writing or painting.

We are really hard on ourselves and we have this really high expectations on how something should look like or sound like. And I think that really, well, it's a creativity killer and I'm trying really hard to not have those expectations and just allow myself to loosen up, enjoy the process. I think that's really important without really thinking on.

What the outcome would be like. And it's tricky because if you're working for, let's say for a publishing house, of course they expect a certain standard as well. But it's kind of finding the balance between having a high standard but also incorporating that playfulness. And it's harder than it sounds, but I think with practice it's kind of getting there.

Bryan McAnulty: Cool. So, Can you share a story with us of how you started your career as an illustrator and like what inspire inspired you to pursue this? Has it always been something that was like your dream that you knew like, okay, I wanna be an illustrator or not? Not exactly.

Karla Alcazar: I always wanted to do something with, you know, like the arts, art related, but I really wasn't sure what an illustrator was.

Because while I was growing up here in Mexico, when you're in school, like in elementary primary school, you get these, illustrated books, you know, like with stories and they're beautiful or where beautiful. I'm not sure if they still do that. And I always wanted to do something like that. It's just like, I wish I could be doing this, like drawing and like, you know, having this kind of cool job.

But I wasn't sure how to get there. I thought it was. I don't know what I thought. I thought like maybe publishing houses, like editors do the drawings and then I, I really wasn't sure. And while I was growing up, I always liked drawing and I always liked reading and like the combination of these two. But yeah, it was something that seemed not like a real job.

It just seemed like something you do for fun. Like, I'm not entirely sure how to put it, but I felt like, yeah, no, like people, I. People do this for fun or some really fortunate individual gets this kind of cool job. So it's not for

Bryan McAnulty: me. Yeah, no, I, I wanna, I wanna pause for a second because I think Yes, you're really right and I understand what you're describing.

Like, I started my career as, building a web design, graphic design studio. Like we did print design for magazines and built websites and things like that. Mm-hmm. And I was always kind of a creative person, but like growing up it was always like, Well, how do, how do like people do that? How does that connect to work and like business?

And it, it was always a little bit mysterious of like, well, what are the, the people who do that for a job, what are they actually doing? So definitely, yeah, I, I can relate to that.

Karla Alcazar: It's so interesting, isn't it? Like how, is not like public knowledge that Yeah, if, if you like to do this, you know, you could get money out of it.

It's not like this. I don't know. It's so interesting. But, but yeah, when I was growing up, it was this thing, and I live in a really small city, so that made things a little bit worse. I was like, well, how am I gonna even get that kind of job? Like, and it was really early on. No, no. Like I was gonna say about it, were internet early days, but that's not necessarily true.

Like I didn't think that we had internet back in the days. I was still like, No, we had internet. What am I talking about? Like, I'm like a hundred. Yeah, like, but it was really not a thing that you would know, like there were jobs outside the city or things like that. It was just like more complex. But yeah, I was like, well, I have to move out of my town and to pursue that interest.

And it seemed like, Such a hassle that I thought like, well, I don't think it's gonna happen. And there were personal reasons why I didn't wanna move out of my city. And I was like, well, I'm just gonna pursue psychology. Was this something that I, I'm really interested in as well? So I did a Bachelor's in psychology, which, yeah, it was, it was interesting, but definitely not, I don't know, I didn't feel I.

That that was the right path for me, if that makes sense. And I know it's a really privileged thing to say, but you know, like at that time I was like, well, I'm grateful for having the opportunity to, to have higher education or pursue higher education, but it just felt like something was missing and I started drawing and I entered this local competition.

I didn't win, but it just like, this is definitely what I wanna be doing. This is. Mm. This is really something that is calling me to do it. So, he decided that the only way that I could do this was to perhaps do some sort of course or something like that. But as I said, I live in a really small city, so like over here was really difficult.

So I was like, well, I might as well do it. So I became, a babysitter on au pair and I moved to Boston. And as a requirement, you have to study. So, Like, you know, like it's part of the legality of that exchange program. So I, I actually did a illustration for the children's markets course and I was like, I really need to do this.

Like, psychology's great, it's cool, but I really need to do this. Like, this is something that definitely feels like it's something that I need to be doing. And while I was in the course, it kind of opened up my, my eyes to this industry. Because I didn't see it as an industry at the before that I saw it as just like as I said something that people just do.

But I didn't, I didn't realize how complex that industry was and how that it was in a high demand. And I was like, I just thought it was just like three guys, like in a bag room, just like drawing. And it's like, it's an actual thing that people get to do. So that was really inspiring and I was like, I need to, I really need to pursue this because.

If I don't, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. So I have to find the way to do it. So I, at the time I did some research and I had, I had savings at that point. Cause I had been working for about two to three years and I had savings cause it was just me and my dog. So it's like I'm not really spending money like on things.

I was just working, going back home. Working, going back home, working back. I had no life. So, I had savings, so I decided to pursue it. So I applied to do illustration at Nor University of Arts, and I got accepted. And that was, that was insane. It was like, wow, like that's, it's actually happening. And it was a really great opportunity and really, as I said, it was like a really huge insight onto the.

Creative industry as a whole, not just illustration because I get a chance to, to be friends with people. Were doing film, fine art, photography, all of that. And I was like, wow, this is, this is huge. It's not what I thought what it was. And at that point in my life, it was a really difficult moment in my life because I was dealing with a lot of mental issues and it was really complex, but, I was so lucky to, to be able to, to do this and to learn from those experiences as well.

And when I graduated and came back, to Mexico, I felt like I owe it to myself. It's just like I went through all this hardship, I went through all of this, you know, like money as well cause it's not cheap. And it's like I owe it to myself. I need to really pursue this and. I was, I was really doubtful, but at the same time I was also like, well, if it's gonna sound really cheesy, but I thought like, if I don't believe in what I do, it's really unlikely that other people are gonna believe in what I do.

So I just, I need to trust it. And it's been a long journey. But

Bryan McAnulty: yeah, I mean, I think that's absolutely true. So I, I would ask then, so you, you figured out like, okay, this is a real, like, possible thing. I can do this. You learned about it, you surrounded yourself with other people who were also doing the same.

Mm-hmm. Once you started to say like, okay, like now, like I'm ready to take that step, believe in myself, and like really invest in making this a career for myself. What are some challenges that you faced in like pursuing that, and then how did you overcome them?

Karla Alcazar: Oh, self-doubt was a huge one. In comparison, I think comparison was the big one cuz when I was graduating there were lots of graduates that were getting book deals that were getting like signed by agencies and I was like, ah, like I am getting nothing.

You know, I'm working two jobs. No, I was, I was going, I was studying and then I was working at this, clothes, shop and I was like, I. I don't have, I don't have those opportunities. It was really frustrating and I felt like, well, yeah, their work is amazing, but I also have to believe that what I do is amazing.

Like, why am I not getting these chances? And it was really difficult and really unfair on myself, I guess, and on why I do, because there's loads of talented people out there. Of course, they deserve, you know, like they deserve what they're getting. But, at the same time, I don't deserve being, I. So judgmental with myself and you know, like they're doing it.

Why are you not doing it? Like, you're not working hard enough, you're not doing enough work for your portfolio, you're not reaching out to people. And it was really difficult for me to, to slow down and be like, well, you're doing what you can with what you have right now. Like, so just take it easy. It might not take a year, it might not take two years, but you know, so.

You just have to keep doing it and be consistent and just do as much as you can. Cuz comparison, like even to this day, of course, like it's a huge thing. But when I graduated and seeing all these people who were my age or younger, it was like, oh, but what am I doing wrong? And yeah, that, that was a big, a big thing for me.

And I think like it's such a human thing as well, you know, to, to compare yourself to others. That, how, how do you get rid of it? That was, I. That's the thing that I'm trying to, to learn, and I think it's, it's getting there. It's just like trying to be a little bit kinder with myself and mm-hmm. Just to not listen to myself for, it's just like, sh it's just, just shush for a day and

Bryan McAnulty: let's, let's just focus.

Yeah. I think definitely everybody struggles with that, I think, and so once you made the decision like, okay, I am going to believe in myself at least enough to start to make sure I continue with this. Then like what are like in doing that, what are some actions that you feel like you were then able to take because you did realize you were gonna continue and believe in yourself with it?

So like, what did that mean? Did that mean that you started to like reach out to clients? Did you start to just like draw every day? What, what was like the outcome of that? I guess? Because if somebody else is like sitting and listening or watching this, I'm thinking for them what like, If they're gonna make the decision right now to believe in themselves and do it too, like what is it that they're, they're gonna go and, and do and what is it that, that you went and did?

Karla Alcazar: I started to think and be really specific about why I wanted to do what illustration is. Like, do I want to do editorial work? Do I want to do, I don't know, like children's literature? What is that I wanna do? And I started to, to. Tailor my portfolio towards that in a way that didn't seem daunting. I was just like, I'm just gonna draw.

I'm just gonna draw. I want, I'm just gonna tell little stories with my illustrations. I'm gonna share 'em on Instagram. I'm just gonna have fun with it, but I'm gonna be mindful of what I'm doing. At the same time I'm gonna. Yeah, try to do both. Being playful with it, but at the same time being, I don't like this word, but being proactive.

So I started to, to do that and started to reach out to people. I remember that it was really hard because I, I was, I am still shy, but I was really shy back in the day and it was really difficult for me to, to ask for opportunities. Or to, I just felt that I was bothering people and I might have been bothering people, but like, I mean, that's not something that I get to decide.

It's not like, so I was like, well, I might as well just reach out. And if they say no, well that's fine. Like I need to, I need to learn how to handle rejection as part of being an illustrator or a creative in any way or human for that matter. So, so yeah, I started to reach out to people and luckily, I started to get.

Opportunities. And I was like, this is, this is actually fun. Like I didn't expect it to be fun and I kept drawing. And social media has played a huge role in that because I got to, I meet lovely people who were illustrators or people who just liked what I do and I feel really supported. Like I. Found this community online.

That was really lovely and that really encouraged me to keep sharing what I was doing and just to be faithful to what I wanted to do. Sounds, sounds really cheesy, but yeah, I think that that was the big thing, the online community.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. I, I, I think that's great and really important too, and I think for people who are not maybe posting enough on social media or like they, they don't feel like they have that support in community yet.

Mm. One of like the benefits of being consistent and, and actually going and doing that is then like, that's how you can attract those people and, and they can find you and then like they, they, they'd wanna support something like what you're doing. They just don't know you exist yet, so you just gotta keep doing.

Yeah. So yeah, we, we had a look at your Instagram page and your illustrations and could see that like your work centers around like the exploration of characters that are in these kinda like, everyday situations. Can you tell us more about like, the inspiration behind like. Your art and stories.

Karla Alcazar: Yeah, sure.

I think that everything started, like while I was, studying back in England. Cause as I said, it was a really strange time for me mentally and I was really introspective more so than I am on a regular occasion. And I think that I was, I wanted to, to express that introspection and those stories on a, on a daily, I don't know how to, yeah, not daily situations that some things happen and there's, there's depth in everything.

I don't know if that makes sense. And also when I was growing up, I was really interested in magic, realism and literature. So that's something that really, I really wanted to explore that as well, like things that happen as you know, like. Just going to the grocery store or just cooking, but there's something behind that that is so rich that you just, just, I don't know.

It's, it's really magical for me. Just like the, the tiny situations in life are not that tiny. They're so always interesting happening behind the scenes and I'm really interested in that and how different people perceive that situation. Cuz I think, you know, like one might seem cooking as. It's like something that I have to do and you know, another person might interpret it as like, well actually this is the way I express myself and this is what I like doing.

And it's really interesting, like the different narratives that one situation may have for different people. And I wanted to explore that, but also being really introspective of where I was going at the moment. So yeah, I think that that inspired it. I, I used to treat my illustrations as like little.

Like diary entries and, you know, kind of like, yeah, just express like a way to express myself cuz I was not doing anything interesting at the moment. I was just going to school, I was going to work, but at the same time there was a lot happening behind the scenes. So I, that's something that I wanted to play with.

Bryan McAnulty: Got it. So today, what are the different ways then that, like you generate income? Like freelancing. What, what else?

Karla Alcazar: I do free, well freelancing and I've been working, teaching classes online as well. And it's been great because it has also got me closer to my voice as an illustrator. Like I think it's really interesting to go back to the early days and to think of the things that I would've loved to learn.

Well, I was starting out, so that's been great. It's not just a source of income, but it's also like an opportunity to learn and relearn. So that's that. And yeah, basically that's just that it goes like online classes plus freelancing, doing editorial work. And I've been working on like a project for years now that has to do with, Children's literature and that has not got me any revenue now, like so far.

But I'm hope hopeful that one day it will. So that's another thing that I guess sometimes it's important to talk about, like sometimes we're working on stuff that it's not necessarily giving us a lot of revenue. It's just like working progress. And we're hoping that some day that will, you know, be, I don't like the word monetized, but Yeah, monetized.

Bryan McAnulty: Got it. Yeah. Okay. So when it comes to like, teaching in online courses, since like, it sounds like you didn't start out with the vision of like, oh, I'm gonna go and teach illustration. Mm-hmm. And so like, if I'm right about that, I guess like what are some things that you felt like you had to learn in the process of saying like, okay, I want to be able to now teach this to others, or is that something that kind of came natural to you to be able to teach and explain it?

Karla Alcazar: Oh my gosh. No, I feel that I babble a lot. So I think that the first thing I had to learn was to be more, concise about what I was talking about. Cuz I just drift. Like I could be talking about color palettes and then I'm gonna be like talking about like characters and like the weather and things. And it's really difficult if you wanna teach something, you know, it's just like, okay, yeah, but what does it have to do with the color palette?

So we started with, so it's. It was really important to me, for me to be really specific about why am I teaching and why I think this will be helpful. Also, like as I said, I was really camera shy, like, so that was really hard for me cuz the editing, that was torture because I didn't like to see my face and hear my voice like constantly.

It's just like, oh my gosh, like this is, this is not cool. And like you would pick up on tiny little details. And perfectionism was a big thing too, to kind of. You know, tone down. But I think mm, yeah, just being more specific. That was something that I really had to learn. And just to think, how the different ways people learn, you know, it's, there is people who are official learners or people who just like to practice more, people who like to listen to what other people are saying.

So I'm trying to be more mindful of. How dif different people absorb information. So that's something that I'm currently learning as well. And just try to be mindful of, you know, everyone and how they learn. And also try to be more fun with my classes. Cause I think that, that's something that I could try and do more of.

Cuz I love classes that are really practical and I would like to incorporate that. So it's a, it's an ongoing learning process. So I hope that I. Get there. Well, yeah, again, with the standards, it's been fun, so I'm just gonna leave it lay back.

Bryan McAnulty: All right. Sounds good. Well I think you made some really great points.

I think the, the point about like saying that you feel that you tend to just be, go off into these different subjects or, or keep talking about things. I think that many Creator's who want to teach something have to have similar considerations and realize that. Yeah. Like when you have this thing that you wanna teach, chances are like, you're extremely passionate about it.

Mm-hmm. And like as you're explaining it, it leads you to thinking all these other things that then you just wanna talk about it and share all the things you think about with it. And we have to remind ourselves like, okay, yes, but number one, like maybe the person I'm teaching, they're not quite there yet in terms of being like exactly as passionate as I am.

And number two, like we have to first work towards like, That goal of like, where are they trying to go from like point A to point B and it, it is a different way of, of acting and, and, and talking, I guess, where instead of like, if you were just having a conversation with somebody and telling them about what you do and, and explaining the things, then you can go down that path and, and just go really deep into branching out into all these different things.

And, but we all have to learn like, okay, when we're teaching, I. How can we make sure that we're condensing it into like, what does the person need to know right now? And yes, that's something I had to practice and kind of learn myself as well. I think everybody does.

Karla Alcazar: Oh, totally. But as you said, it's just really difficult when you're so passionate about something.

It's just, it, it's not impossible, but it's, it's something that it has to constantly be practiced because, oh man, like there's so much I could say about color theory and I love. All it has to do with that. But as you said, like maybe students or people watching, they don't need to know everything right now.

Maybe they just need to know the specific things. So that's really interesting.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, and I also think it's a great point about, for like many people, especially those who see themselves as more like on the creative side, are camera shy. And the the thing that helped me with that was, So I was in, a band in high school, playing music, things like that.

Hated my voice. Always hated my voice, of course. And once it came to the point of doing, like videos and, and things like this, I, I already had just accepted that like, yes, I'm, I'm not going to enjoy to like watch or listen to myself in particularly. And so, like, that's what it is. And, I think for everybody out there who is struggling with something like that, Just accept that like most people probably don't like to sit there and, and watch or listen to their own voice and, so, and just don't let that stop.

You just realize that's it is what it is.

Karla Alcazar: Totally. And also like we have to, we have to think that people may not really notice where you're noticing. Like they don't Exactly, yeah. They don't really care if you sound like high pitched or too excited or they don't care. They just, you, they just wanna listen where you're saying cuz it's valuable.

So, you know, the rest is just, you know, doesn't matter. So that's something that, as you said, it's something that, well, I'm, I think that I'm still working on, on that, but I've been enjoying the process more and more cuz it's just like, people are not gonna care if I have like this little, like, hair like flying around or they're just not gonna care if I sound whatever.

They just, they're just not gonna notice. We are our hardest, I don't know, critics. So it's

Bryan McAnulty: just a matter of just, yeah, every, everybody, everybody believes that they should be themselves, but everybody's afraid of doing it. Yes. And the reality is that no one really cares. If you are like everybody else also would prefer you if you were yourself and, and not trying to pretend to be something else.

And no one really cares about the things that you think, you care about. So the. The, the sad part about that is maybe you think people are all gonna care about what you're doing, but really, like the reality is a lot of what you do is, is probably more forgettable than you would even want it to be.

Whereas like, people have their own lives, there's things that that happen. The chances of like them deeply thinking about, you know what I, I heard Karla and Bryan talking yesterday and they said something that was stupid. Like, they're not gonna be thinking about that over the long term. And, um Exactly.

Yeah. So, Realizing that, and then just being yourself is, is the best option. But it's a, it's a challenge, no doubt.

Karla Alcazar: Oh, totally. And at the end of the day, it's like really freeing, you know? Just like, I'm just gonna just be myself. Cause no, as you said, no one cares, no one's gonna remember. Like, just imagine if in two years time somewhere, like, I remember that thing that someone said online, like, no one cares.

No one cares. Like, they're gonna forget. And it's, it's such an interesting thing how. The internet has this little, like, magnifying glass on ourselves, but it doesn't exist. Like, it's just an illusion. Like, I don't know if that makes sense in my head. Makes sense. See, this is one of the things that maybe people are not gonna remember cuz it's stupid.

Bryan McAnulty: No, I, I understand what you're saying. We'll, we'll see about our audience, but, but I did, so what advice would you give to other aspiring illustrators who are like just starting out in their careers? They, they enjoy like hearing about learning about what you're doing here, what advice would you give to somebody like that?

Karla Alcazar: Maybe they're gonna hate me for what I'm about to say, but just keep drawing cuz that's, that's advice that everyone gives. But, you know, it's, it's such an annoying advice. She's just like, oh, keep drawing. But that's what I keep doing. It's just so frustrating. Yeah. But it's. You know, like consistency. It's at the end of the day what takes you places.

And, and I don't mean like professionally, I just mean like within yourself. Like it's, it's amazing, you know, to seal drawings and see how much you have improved or it's great and it's something that actually makes you feel really good about yourself. So I think that that's, that just, you know, I know that self-doubt is huge and comparison is huge, but just do your thing, you know?

And. Take your time if you need to. Don't pressure yourself too much, but at the same time, just keep, keep on doing what you're doing. Like it doesn't matter if one person sees it, doesn't matter if like only your grandma sees it. Like it doesn't matter. Like you have to respect your work, if that makes sense and what you're doing and honor it.

Cause it's amazing. Like you have a unique voice like that. No one has. Because that's another thing that a lot of people ask me about, oh, like my illustration style and all of that. But it's already there. You just have to keep nurturing it and feeding it with curiosity and with, you know, practice. Just keep doing it.

It honestly, just focus on the little, the little wins. You know, if there's something that you love doing today and it worked, just focus on that and try to repeat it tomorrow, and then you'll just cover more things that actually make you feel good about yourself and your work. Just. Just keep on nurturing those and I promise you that it's gonna make you feel better.

And it's frustrating. Yeah, but just keep on drawing. It's gonna feel good. Like, I promise.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. I think that's an excellent point that like, even without realizing it, there can be all these, these doubts and everything that, that kind of paralyze people from actually doing the thing that they, they enjoy, that they're thinking about, that they're talking about, but they're not actually doing it because of some kind of worry.

And they may not even realize that. But once you start working on that, and like, I think if you take everything else away mm-hmm. Like, it's much easier to realize that like, that that internal, like self progress is really what you can enjoy about life. Like in general. Because like if you didn't have to do it for money, if you didn't have to do it for what other people thought of you, if you didn't have to do anything, like in general and you're just sitting there, you, you don't have to worry about eating or, or anything Even.

Like, what would you do and enjoy doing it? And like chances are like you would feel happy from making some kind of progress in that thing you're passionate about.

Karla Alcazar: Of course. Totally. And I know like there's, as you said, like, well, if you didn't do it for money, and I know that there's the pressure of doing it for money, but it's, it's so funny.

Well, for me, how this worked is it was the things that I actually enjoyed doing that actually got me jobs. So, Yeah, like it's the things that I actually struggled doing. Like, oh, I have to like do, this actually didn't work out as I planned. So it was the, the playfulness and just doing the things that I actually felt that it was actually creating inner progress and inner happiness.

Those are the things that at the end paid off.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Yeah. That's great. I think that'll be great for people to hear. So on this show, we'd like to have each of our guests ask a question to the audience. So if you could ask our audience anything, whether it's something like you want them to think about or something that you're just genuinely curious about, what would that be?

Karla Alcazar: Well, I love the thing that you said about the money thing. So I, I would like to ask the audience if there's something that, you know, like that you could do for the rest of your life without having to worry about the money, without having to worry about anything, what would it be and how can, or what tiny steps can you take to get to that this week?

Just a tiny thing. It doesn't have to be huge. It doesn't have to be like a five year plan to, you know, conquer the industry. It just have to be a tiny little thing. And if you're willing to try for a week just to see how you feel,

Bryan McAnulty: I, awesome. Yeah, that sounds great. All right, well, Karla, before we get going, where else can people find you online?

Karla Alcazar: All right, so, I'm on Instagram. My username is Karla underscore alazar underscore, and I'm on TikTok the same. Karla underscore Alcazar underscore. And you can find me as well on Skillshare with Karla Alcazar. You can find me there. And on Twitter, I think I'm also Karla underscore Alazar underscore and Pinterest.

I think that's my surname everywhere. I think so. Yeah, you can find me there. And yeah, thanks. Hope. Hope to see you there.

Bryan McAnulty: All right. Awesome.

Karla Alcazar: Thanks so much. No, well, thank you for having me.

Bryan McAnulty: I'd like to take a moment to invite you to join our free community of over 5,000 Creator's at creator climb.com.

If you enjoyed this episode and wanna hear more, check out the Heights Platform YouTube channel every Tuesday at 9:00 AM US Central. To get notified when new episodes released, join our newsletter at The Creator's Adventure dot com. Until then, keep learning and I'll see you in the next episode.

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About the Host

Bryan McAnulty is the founder of Heights Platform: all-in-one online course creation software that allows creators to monetize their knowledge.

His entrepreneurial journey began in 2009, when he founded Velora, a digital product design studio, developing products and websites used by millions worldwide. Stemming from an early obsession with Legos and graphic design programs, Bryan is a designer, developer, musician, and truly a creator at heart. With a passion for discovery, Bryan has traveled to more than 30 countries and 100+ cities meeting creators along the way.

As the founder of Heights Platform, Bryan is in constant contact with creators from all over the world and has learned to recognize their unique needs and goals.

Creating a business from scratch as a solopreneur is not an easy task, and it can feel quite lonely without appropriate support and mentorship.

The show The Creator’s Adventure was born to address this need: to build an online community of creative minds and assist new entrepreneurs with strategies to create a successful online business from their passions.

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