#43: Grow a Business Without Social Media with Holly Marie Haynes

Today it seems like you cannot run a business without social media. Or can you?

Our guest today made it her goal to teach people how to become less dependent on the algorithms and run a business without being a slave of social media.

Welcome to The Creator's Adventure, where we interview creators from around the world, hearing their stories about growing a business.

Today we are talking with Holly Haynes about how business owners and creators can become less dependent on social media and rely on other marketing and networking strategies.

Holly Marie Haynes helps female entrepreneurs create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

After 22 years working for corporate Fortune 500 companies, Holly ditched the office and built a thriving full-time business in less than 2 years together with her husband. All of this during the pandemic and while raising twins.

Learn more about Holly: https://www.hollymariehaynes.com/


Bryan McAnulty: Welcome to The Creator's Adventure, where we interview Creator's from around the world, hearing their stories about growing a business. How do you grow your brand without relying on social media? Well, that is what we're gonna talk about today. Hey everyone. I'm Bryan McAnulty. I'm the founder of Heights Platform.

Let's get into it.

Hey everyone. We're here today with Holly Marie. And she helps female entrepreneurs create simple, scalable offers and systems to grow to multiple six figures. After 22 years of working for corporate Fortune 500 companies, Ali ditched the office and built a thriving full time business in less than two years, together with her husband and all of us during the pandemic and while raising twins.

Holly, welcome to the show.

Holly Marie Haynes: Hi. Thank you so much for having me.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, it's a pleasure. So my team helps me out with a lot of the questions and I didn't get to really hear the story of raising the twins and everything, but I can relate to that actually because yeah. This year at least, my wife and I had our first baby.

She's oh, so I guess about nine months old now. But it's been tough, you know, so I can only imagine going through all of that during the pandemic and having two, two babies at the same time.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, to be fair there in kindergarten, but I don't know if you've ever tried to teach a toddler something on Zoom.

That's kind of like what teaching kindergarten on Zoom was, and it's something that I definitely do not wanna repeat. Yeah.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. I can only imagine. All right, awesome. What my first question for you is, what would you say is like the biggest thing that either you did or that you are doing that's helped you achieve the freedom to do what you.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, I, that's a great question. And you know, I think there's a lot of things that I could share, but I think the best piece of advice that I got and then that I, I went ahead and implement implemented is act as if it has already happened. So for me personally, I really. I want, I don't wanna say I didn't care what I was doing, but I really wanted a schedule that actually supported the lifestyle that we wanted as a family.

And so for me, working full time and having like 17 Zoom calls a day, I had a team at work. The girls are in school like. . It was just, it was a lot. And I was like, I can't go on like this for 10 years. So it's like, well, what can you do? I didn't really know how to change the schedule, but it's like, what can you do to, let's just pretend that that's already happened.

And so I took like really small steps and so at work I was an executive in my role, and so I was like, well, I'm just gonna move meetings. from Mondays. It's not like I told my boss or like the ceo, like, Hey, it's my CEO day. I'm not taking meetings on Mondays. Like that wouldn't go over well, but I just like very strategically was like, Hey, can we do this on Tuesday instead?

So then I actually had some white space on Monday and it was like, Tricking my brain to be like, oh, this is what a four day work week would be like. And then I started doing it like on the other end, on Fridays, and I'd be like, well, what if I didn't have meetings like afternoon on Friday? So now it's like Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are busy, but then I've got like a reward on the other end.

And so I really started to design my schedule. Around what I wanted it to look like after I potentially left my corporate career and you know, when I was running a business full time so that I could experience like the little pockets of freedom before they actually happened and would be like, yes, we gotta keep doing this because this is worth it, right?

It's worth having no meetings on a Monday or an afternoon. Or a minute maybe while your kids are at school to just like, take a breath without all the things happening in the background. So my biggest piece of advice is to act as if it's already happened. Like take the steps that, like somebody in your position of where you wanna go would already be taking.

Bryan McAnulty: I like that. Yeah, I, I can definitely agree that, that that would be really powerful. I think for myself I, I've kind of felt that way as well. . I, I think that not only does it, it help you with the mindset of it, but I think it can help you actually do it. Cuz like you're in a way, you're, you're, it's like a reward experience it, so like, yeah.

If like let's say like you're listening or watching this right now and you are trying to be an entrepreneur, but you really like your job and you wanna stay at your job actually, like, that can help you get to this space where like you're, you're able to create it the way that you want without having to say like, oh, well this is.

An impossibility. And for me, actually right now, so we're coming up on like our biggest feature release of the year and I'm really busy with all that. We also have Black Friday, all this kind of stuff happening. But what I've done like personally right now is, is taking that a step further than what I do normally.

Where like, I think the entrepreneur, when you first become an entrepreneur, you say, oh, this is cool because I can have my own schedule, meaning I'm just gonna do whatever, whenever. And I think that it's really helpful to keep certain things to a schedule in your life no matter what. So even if you enjoy to like work on your, your course, your coaching program, whatever it is, like whenever, like late at night, early in the morning mm-hmm.

That's fine. But like for me I like to have like calls and things like you. On a specific time that I know like things aren't gonna happen. I like the Monday idea too. Mm-hmm. . I think in your case you were just trying to see like what's a four day work week like? But for me, like yeah, right now I don't, I don't do like calls and things on Mondays because there's already enough happening on Mondays for me.

I feel like to know that there's not gonna be anything that's a call or something then is is just helpful. So yeah, I would say that's really good advice. Or anyone out there to try to do that because now what, what I was getting at is I'm so busy now, I'm just ignoring a lot of things and just acting as if the only things are, the, the two important things for me are the future, release, our sale, all that.

And that's what we're really, I'm focused in on. And by doing that, it's not like other things didn't really go wrong or anything necessarily. It's still working and it's, it's allowing me to continue with that. So I like that. I, I just wanted to explain it and go into like an example from my side because No, I love that.

I feel that it sounds simple what you're saying, but I think it's really really powerful. Yeah. Awesome. So we saw that you have the initial cohort of your new coaching program called the Antisocial School starting on December 5th. Can you explain to us a little bit about what exactly this program.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, so I actually created a free training called Ditch the Social Drama, and I'll, I'll explain what that is first cuz it actually goes into why we created the school. And I found as I was working full time and building a business that I did not have time to be on social platforms all day long, right?

Like whether you use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, whatever it is, most of the time you get rewarded for the amount of content that you push out. And like I said, I was an executive in my job. It's not like I could be like, Hey, I need to go post on TikTok 17 times today, like that was not going to work. But I also had a super small audience and was just getting started and so I knew I needed to be present, but in a way that made sense for my time, my schedule.

had young kids in kindergarten, right? Like I, I just needed a way that I was able to be in more places at once without actually being there. And so the whole concept of ditching the social drama is creating what I call an antisocial strategy where you're using social media, but I say use it in a way that's not your main driver.

So, as an example, we could use podcasting which is a super powerful tool. So we're on this podcast, we're having a great conversation. There are a million different ways that you can repurpose this, right? So you could put it on a blog, you can reshare it on social media. You can put it in an email, you can put it on Pinterest, which technically is not social media.

You can put it on LinkedIn. Like there's probably 10 different ways that you can repurpose it. You can use video, you can use text. And so I really sat down and said, I could do podcasting in my example, on a schedule that works for me when I wanna do it at whatever time of day, and then I can repurpose the content where social media, Is the second step or the third step.

And so I say, think of Instagram as an example, as a magazine. So if you're listening to this podcast and you're like, who is this Holly person? You're gonna go to Instagram and you're gonna look me up. And what you're gonna see is all the things that I teach about building a schedule and a strategy that's not dependent on social media.

But it's all very strategically planned because I did eventually leave my corporate job, but I didn't do it so that I could work like 70 hour weeks. So I tend to spend. Maybe a half hour a day on social media Monday through Friday, which is not a lot for a business that we have. And I've done it through content repurposing and through really focusing on the fact that social media is not our main driver.

We use other tools like podcasting and email and things like that. So Antisocial school is really teaching you how to build a business that's not dependent on the algorithm and doing it in a way that makes sense for your audience. So it's not a one size fits all audience. We have different case studies and things like that that we go through and really teach you where are your people hanging out, what are they doing, what content are they gonna consume?

And then social media is the bonus.

Bryan McAnulty: Awesome. Yeah, I like that. For me personally as well, like, so some people may see themselves as like, yeah, I'm a content creator. Other Creator's say like, yeah, I'm a creator, but I don't really feel like I'm a content creator. I don't wanna always be on social media.

And I, I feel I fall into that boat a little bit. Like I don't really do personal social media at all, even, but we're doing the exact same thing with this podcast right here, because this is one of the main things I do of like my exposure. Like our brand and everything in social media, and it doesn't even feel like work to me.

And I'm, I'm kind of spoiled because like my team finds the guests books, the guests researches, does the questions. I just get to sit down and, and talk with cool people for an hour every day. Yeah. So it's, it's enjoyable to do. And then I get to share that with everyone and we're able to repurpose that into all these clips and stuff for Instagram, TikTok, all that.

And yeah, it's a great example. So I'd say. Figure out what you, what you do enjoy out of the, the social media or like what kind of content you can create that you do enjoy creating, and then how can you repurpose that? Yeah, I like that. Why would, why would you say it's important for business and owners and Creator's to not be so dependent on social media, though?

Holly Marie Haynes: Oh gosh. There's like a million statistics I could give you, but I think the first one is 22% of business owners will usually quit within the first year because of burnout. And when you think about what that means, right. It's usually because we're consuming more than we're creating. And so I always say like when you're consuming, you're scrolling, you're comparing, you're like, oh my gosh, that podcast is so much better.

Oh my gosh, that person is so much further than I should be, or I need to make that real. Or How did she do that TikTok thing, right? So you're consuming more than you're creating, which creates this anxiety, which we all know, consuming too much. Social media just leads to like a whole nother path, but also, Your business should be focused on what you like to do, who you are, how you teach, like it should be very much yours.

And so I think sometimes when we do consume too much social media, we try to be like the other person, right? and that immediately detracts from the person that you are trying to attract because you're trying to attract people who like you, who appreciate your story, who, if you're like me, maybe have twins and worked full time and are trying to build a side hustle, like that's who I attract.

And they don't have time to be on social media all day. And so I really. I'm on a mission truly to teach how to strategically build a business that's my corporate background in a way that makes sense for you and your schedule so that you don't burn out so that the business does last longer than a year or two or five years, like we want it to last 10 years.

Like we wanna create that time freedom that I talked about at the beginning where you can work three days a week. And so figuring out a way to do that really comes down to where you're spending your time. And I've found that most people are spending their time scrolling or consuming more than they're creating.

I will also say the other statistic that I love is the power of what I call micro influencers. So I would say why I have an okay following on social media, I would consider myself a micro influencer, and there are statistics that show that people are two times as more likely to purchase from a micro influencer than they are some like large, like, you know, Amazon or.

Kim Kardashian or whoever the person is with like millions of followers because there's that like no, like and trust factor that's immediately there. So we were talking like about babies and twins at the beginning. Like I would so much rather listen to advice from another mom who had twins who was the same age as me than somebody random that I am watching on the news.

And so there's a lot of power in creating content at that like micro level, which people forget about when they start consuming more than they're creating.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, I like that. That's a great way to look at it. And definitely you wanna be able to set yourself up to do everything for longer than a year and, and keep going with this and not get burned out because the, the consistency also is what's going to help you become successful.

So, yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a loop that people get stuck in of saying like, okay, I, I tried it for a year, but then burn out and I give up and I try something else for a year, burn out and I give up. But it's hard to make something happen because you're not doing it for long enough and. It's getting hard and yeah.

I completely agree with that. You're, you're really like speaking my language, I think with that because like in, in my business, like I ignore competitors. I don't spend time on social media. I'm really, I'm gonna create, I'm ignore everything else and just have to work on my vision. And I think like, I, I believe that's better too, cuz the, like what you said, like I know that I.

A unique vision with everything. And if I look at what everybody else is doing, even if I'm not trying to be, there's gonna be some kind of influence from that, just as you said. And mm-hmm. and people want to, people are attracted to what is like, uniquely you and what you're talking about. So I really like that.

I think that's, that's great advice. Let's see. So instead of social media then so let's say we're, we're doing this one thing on social media. We found out how to repurpose some. , what other marketing strategies would you use to promote your business instead of that?

Holly Marie Haynes: Instead of using social media?

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, so it, we are, we're doing the repurposing on social media, so we have some way to do that, but where else do we promote ourselves if we're not gonna always be on social media?

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah. So I think the key is, is that social media is used, but it's used in a way that's that's healthy and that is sort of like a second or third step.

So the first thing that I do is I sit down and think about like what legacy content can I create? And legacy content to me is anything that is something that you own, right? So it's a podcast episode, it's a blog post, it's an email. I would typically start with some sort of blog post or podcast episode.

I think they're super powerful and if you put them on your website in the right way, they're searchable, which makes that legacy content live on for a long time. So an example that I can give is we recently had Jenna Kucher on our podcast, which was super fun. Great. , she's a great guest. And it was, you know, the episode did pretty well.

This was a couple months ago we put the episode on our podcast. I also wrote a blog about what it was like having her on the podcast. And our number one search term for our Webster right now is Jenna Kucher podcast. It's not the episode, it's that people are searching and that legacy content that I created is now pulling people into our.

So you really wanna think about like, where's that spot that you can create content on a consistent basis, going back to what you said, and then how can you repurpose it from there. So I always start with a podcast or a blog post. The other thing that I like to think of from a marketing perspective is, How can you just build your network, right?

So can you go to a local event? Can you go speak on a podcast? Can you speak on a summit? Like online summits are a big deal right now. Can you go have coffee with a neighbor? So I call it the Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon Effect, because somehow we are all connected by somebody, right? So I always. When I'm talking to somebody like, how can I help you or tell me more about what you do?

And that leads to conversations, which leads to conversations, which eventually will lead to an opportunity. You might not know what it is at that time, but to me the two biggest things are creating that legacy content and then obviously repurposing it, but also thinking of yourself as building this network just like you would in a corporate job of, okay, how do I build my network?

How am I putting myself out there? How am I sharing what I. and how am I just connecting with other people? I read a quote somewhere that said, your network is your net worth. So to me it's like every single day, how are you building your network? How are you expanding who you're talking to and who knows about you and who are you learning with and collaborating with?

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Yeah. That's really powerful and I, I think I'd encourage people to, to definitely think about that too, cuz it's not just like the word of mouth. Somebody who hears about you and talks about you, but it's also like what you're saying, like the, the actual like closer network of like a partner or an affiliate or someone you talk with and you work with.

And that's one other person that's out there. And now they're gonna say something about you too. Instead of it being only you creating this content in the world. .

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah. And you can go into it too of not like, oh, I want this person to be my customer. It's like genuinely connecting with people. Yeah. And building relationships.

Cause you never know like what could come out of it on the other end, both for you or for them. So that's what I like to try to do on a daily basis if I can.

Bryan McAnulty: Awesome. So where would you say that like people should do that? Are you researching people and like emailing them? You're going on LinkedIn, where's like the primary place for your business at least?

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah. You know, I would say at least for me it's a lot of it's been through podcasting just because I have a podcast and I like talking on podcasts. So if you don't have a podcast there, it's such a powerful platform. Like you and I had a conversation before this episode, we'll probably have one afterwards.

We're gonna connect when the episode goes air. So, Thinking about like what's your message and how do you wanna share it? So podcasting is one way. I think after the pandemic there's been a lot of local events, right? Like local gatherings or groups or networking. So I've actually tried to be a part of those a little bit more.

I always try to go to like some sort of like coffee or connect with a friend at least once a month. I have to say. I really like working from home. Not leaving the house , but trying to get out of the house. And I think that's really important to find like the local community around you who maybe does what you do or.

is, you know, associated to what you do or maybe just a neighbor or a friend. Online summits have also been super powerful. Honestly, the best way to look for those is is Google, which I know is not the answer everyone wants, but there's a lot of people, powerful people who are putting together summits, who are looking for educators like you and I to come on and teach.

What we're doing. And so it's really looking for those teaching opportunities where you're sharing what you do and you're passing along knowledge, and then you're forming relationships with not only the people that put on the summit, but the attendees who are attending it. So those would be my top three.

LinkedIn is always a good tool but I would say podcasting and summits and just in person would be my, my best. Awesome.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. I. . So we read a little bit of something, of a story about you when we were doing our research of how you had this launch and your social media account at the time, like got temporarily hacked or shut down and like that started to like, make you rethink all this.

Can you tell us a little bit more of like that story and what exactly.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, it was actually this summer, so I have a mastermind program, which is like our high ticket. We launch it twice a year. It's a big deal. We were hosting a in-person retreat for the first time in a while, so it's a big weekend. We had all this content planned and I was like getting ready for my guests to come into town, and I'm checking my account like we do, right?

Like we all scroll, even though. You're not supposed to. And I'm looking at it and I was like, wait, it's gone. Like it was completely like gone Instagram, I had like 12,000 followers or whatever, like gone. And I was like, oh, okay. And I won't lie that I didn't panic for a minute, but we did have systems in place where we were sending emails and had, you know, like LinkedIn and a couple of other, like in person retreats planned.

That we really leaned on those and it worked like we ended up selling out our mastermind. We had like a 10 k weekend and I was, I couldn't even get on social media. Like it wasn't even an option. I couldn't even use my magazine approach. And I think it just reminded me. One, it ended up being a super enjoyable weekend because I wasn't on my phone like at all.

Like I, it really couldn't be two. I really learned to sort of document things offline, which is like a whole nother marketing strategy, but we were doing like videos and like fun pictures and it wasn't with like the lens of Instagram or whatever platform you use. It was, it was just for fun. And three, we really leaned into our email.

Which was a good reminder I think, for everyone to have one. But then I kept getting the questions of like, well, how did you actually do that? Which is actually where Antisocial school came from, because I, I feel like it was a super powerful lesson. Thankfully we had some things in place already, but it really made me like triple check that those were in place.

Cuz I mean, it could happen anytime. I mean, there's glitches all the time with anything. And so being able to have that content that you own is really, really important. .

Bryan McAnulty: Awesome. Yeah, I think it's it's a tough thing to go through as a, a way to discover that, but it's it's cool that it, it brought you to where you are today and now you have a whole coaching program related to that in a way.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah. Make it into an opportunity, right, .

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, exactly. Let's see. Okay, so I think we, we touched on this a little bit but I wonder if we can go in a little bit more. That, like let's say a creator or an entrepreneur out there takes your advice and says like, okay, I wanna be less dependent on social media.

I'm gonna try out some kind of legacy content approach. Maybe I'll make a blog or podcast YouTube videos and then see how I can repurpose that. But what else would you say is like the, the right way to do it as far as what they should do to keep themselves less dependent on. So I think like an example maybe you mentioned the email list.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah. So I would say there's two things. One, the first step that I would take is, I call it assessing your in crowd. And it's like where do your people hang out, right? So we, I mean, we know that people are on social media, but where else do they hang out? Are they on Pinterest? Which technically is not social media, the search engine, are they on LinkedIn?

Do they attend events? Are they online, are they offline? I had an. Client who was a gardener and she was trying so hard to be on Instagram and TikTok. And I was like, well, where are your clients coming from? And she was like, well, I teach these local workshops in our town, and they all come from there.

And I was like, well, why don't you just teach more of those, right? Like, you don't, you don't have to do what you think everyone else is doing. So it's a really important question that most people skip past because they see, right? Cuz we're consuming all the other things, like, oh, this person is doing this, so I need to do that.

The second thing I would do goes back to your email question, and that is, I call it creating a home base. So it's like something that you can give away that's like a home base for people to hang out at. , most of the time this is a, a email list with some sort of like free lead magnet or something that you are giving away value.

But the home base is that you have their email list, so now you can communicate with them and you're not worried about whether or not something is running behind the scenes or if the algorithm is showing people your post. But the trick with having. Solid email list is one, you're super consistent with the content that you send out.

Going back to that like legacy content, like they can expect to hear from you at certain times. And two, you have something really valuable that you are giving them. And in my training that I do, I always say the lead magnet game is getting old because everyone knows that if you download a PDF or some free thing like that, you're gonna.

Sold on the other end, which is okay, but make that free thing, like really freaking good, like so good that they can't help to notice. And so I always say that you, you can never help somebody too much, right? So if you're worried about, well, you know, this formula says I should only give away 10% of whatever I say.

Make it so good that they can get a quick win and they're, they're gonna pay attention to your next email. Yeah. So this would be the two steps I would take.

Bryan McAnulty: Cool. I like that. I think that, yeah, we've talked about on the show before, like what to do if you're afraid of giving away too much for free and all that and, and really like, yeah, the, the worst thing that can happen, let's say you teach the person so much now, you've really helped them.

You've got them that win and that they're not done with their business forever, you know, whatever it is. You know, so there's a chance, like a pretty good chance that now that they've gotten to this, They're gonna say like, I really wanna work with her or him or whatever, and get further now. So that can actually really help them become a client.

And even if it's just, even if a lot of the content or whatever you sell is some of what you taught for free, it's the value is in that extra like personal touch and approach and the one on one help and all of that, that somebody can get from you, especially in the case of like a coaching program or a course.

Mm-hmm. related to the, the email list and the consist. . I think that's a really good point too about like what people see versus what is like the main driver for your business. Because like for us, we are like, we post on social media, I think we post every single day on social media. But like I could tell you like the majority of our customers are not coming from social media.

Like they're coming from all the other sources. But yeah, we still post there cuz it helps. But as an entrepreneur creator, like especially starting out. It, it, it depends, but like, that may not be the big driver for your business either. And so if the email list is, and generally for most people, like email has a incredible roi.

So that's the place where it's better for you to be consistent, I would argue, than your social media. Yeah. So if you're growing your email list, if it's growing through your, your legacy content, everything you're creating, it's better to be consistent and say, I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna send whatever emails per week per.

Then to say like, well, I have to post on social media every day because the emails will, that that's where you have this asset and this value that you could be getting sales versus the social media. Eventually, maybe it can turn into something, but yeah, definitely. I think that's something that everybody sees everything on social media.

They don't see everything in the email.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah. It's like the behind the scenes that everyone forgets about. Mm-hmm. . I think another kind of like advanced tip is sometimes you can take your content, like if you're, if you wrote like an awesome email, that's like teaching somebody to do something, you can take like one of those steps.

And make it into a social media post and then point them to your email, right? So when they read social media, they're like, you gotta to learn more. You have to go to email or you have to go to this step. And so a lot of times we'll point people strategically to those places that we own, still giving value on social media, but it's not the whole thing, right?

So they get the whole thing if they download it or are on our email.

Bryan McAnulty: Yeah. Yeah. Which is like the, the home base approach that you're talking about, cuz you're saying to everybody like, Hey, here's something I wanna help you with. This is valuable, but like, if you want the rest, like this isn't where I hang out.

Like this is where we hang out here in like the email list. Yep. Cool. Alright, so I think we kind of addressed it, but any other tips you would say to. , I guess go into the, the belief that Creator's feel that like, I have to show up and create this content every day. I, I think we're, we're, we pretty much got into it now, but yeah.

Any, anything else you would say about either, I don't know, do you have personally some strategy about like, batching, how you do the content together or anything like that? .

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, I mean, I would say my biggest tip is, and I usually will say this about everything, is a quote that says consistency trump's talent.

You have to be the most consistent to stay in the game because most people will not send an email once a month. Most people will not repurpose their content. Most people will not pitch themselves to be on five podcasts a month. And so how I grew so fast with a super part-time schedule. Was doing just that, right?

So we have a content repurposing strategy. I put two podcasts out every week. I have for. Almost three years. That's a lot of content. We then have, you know, ways that we repurpose it 10 different ways. It's happened every single week. And so I think it's really thinking about like, what is that thing that you can do where you can be consistent with, cuz you've got, you have to figure out the consistency in order to grow.

Cause most people won't, most people will quit going back. Quote that I gave at the beginning, they'll be like, oh, you know, I'm gonna try this for a week. And then they don't get results and they're like, oh, that didn't work. This is a long game. Right? Like the strategy of repurposing and legacy content and building off social media is like, I could do this forever for, you know, 10 to 20 years because I'm not burned out.

It's on a schedule that works for me. I like talking and teaching, and so I'm gonna be super consistent. And so I think it's really figuring out what's that consistency look like for you and how do you make that work. Yeah,

Bryan McAnulty: definitely. Yeah, I would say that everybody, even as an example, like for for our business, a Heights Platform, like we're a larger company.

We're not just like an individual entrepreneur. But still like, that doesn't mean like for us, like, oh, well we launched a podcast, everyone's gonna listen. It's easy. We don't have to worry about the consistency part. I would, I would say that it's not the case at all. Like when we first launched this, this show, it's not like it was a, a huge thing.

It took up until about this point that we're like almost a year into it, that now it's really getting traction. And so yeah, it takes consistent effort, like not only for the solo entrepreneur, but even. And establish business. Mm-hmm. . Awesome. Well, I've got one more question for you. So yeah, if you could ask our audience anything, we like to have each of our guests ask the audience a question.

So if you had either something you're curious about, something you want our audience to think about could be related to what we've just talked about here, what would you ask them?

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, so I think like wrapping up everything we talked about, everything from sort of how I got started to how this anti antisocial school theme came about.

It really comes down to what do you, what do you love to do every single day? Like, what inspires you to like get up outta bed? And do that every single day, because I feel like when you figure that out, then it's super clear the path that you wanna take. So I would ask what inspires you on a daily basis and are you doing it?


Bryan McAnulty: Yeah, that's a great question. Definitely agree with that. All right, awesome. Well, thanks so much, Holly. Before we get going, where else can people find you? .

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, so this is a hot topic. So I actually did a private podcast cuz I do love podcasting. That wasn't a lie. All about how to ditch the social drama, where I get into a lot more details about how to put together your own framework.

And it's just holly marie haynes.com/social and you don't have to be on social media to listen to it. And you can listen to it on your way to work whatever you're doing, and you can actually create your own antisocial strategy. . Awesome.

Bryan McAnulty: Thanks so much, Holly.

Holly Marie Haynes: Yeah, thank you so much.

Bryan McAnulty: If you enjoyed this interview and want the chance to ask questions to our guests live, tune in on Tuesdays when new episodes premiere on the Heights Platform Facebook page.

To learn more about the show and get notified when new episodes release, check out The Creator's Adventure dot com. Until then, keep learning and I'll see you in the next episode.

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About the Host

Bryan McAnulty is the founder of Heights Platform: all-in-one online course creation software that allows creators to monetize their knowledge.

His entrepreneurial journey began in 2009, when he founded Velora, a digital product design studio, developing products and websites used by millions worldwide. Stemming from an early obsession with Legos and graphic design programs, Bryan is a designer, developer, musician, and truly a creator at heart. With a passion for discovery, Bryan has traveled to more than 30 countries and 100+ cities meeting creators along the way.

As the founder of Heights Platform, Bryan is in constant contact with creators from all over the world and has learned to recognize their unique needs and goals.

Creating a business from scratch as a solopreneur is not an easy task, and it can feel quite lonely without appropriate support and mentorship.

The show The Creator’s Adventure was born to address this need: to build an online community of creative minds and assist new entrepreneurs with strategies to create a successful online business from their passions.

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