Heights Platform Can you Offer Certificates in Skool? How to Create Automated & Personalized Completion Certificates

Can you Offer Certificates in Skool? How to Create Automated & Personalized Completion Certificates

4 minute read

Completion certificates are a great way to reward your online course students after they complete your course!

Whether your certificate of completion is accredited or not, it can be an awesome addition to your program, and help reward and retain students.

But how can you create certificates of completion? Many creators wondered if this feature is available in Skool, an online community platform.

In today's article, we will cover if you can create certificates of completion in Skool, how to deliver personalized certificates of completion to students and how to automate the process.

Can you Create Certificates of Completion in Skool?

No, Skool doesn't offer a custom certificate feature. This means that you cannot create and deliver personalized certificates of completion to your online course students using Skool.

Some Skool customers have found a few workarounds to this problem, including using third-party services that allow you to create custom certificates and integrate with Skool. However, Skool is a pretty expensive platform already, charging $99/month for only a few basic features.

Not to mention that these workarounds are complex and not very efficient for creators.

Or, you could simply use a platform that has every feature you need included in the price!

So if you cannot create your own custom certificate of completion using Skool, which other platform can you use instead?

How to Create Automated and Personalized Online Course Certificates of Completion

What many online course creators want, is not only to create beautiful certificates of completion for their course students. They want to be able to personalize them, and automatically deliver them to students who complete their course.

There are many design tools and software out there that allow you to create aesthetical certificates, but how can you automate the process so that students who complete one or more of your courses will automatically receive a personalized certificate?

The answer is simple: use Heights Platform!

Heights Platform is an AI-powered online course and community software, and a better alternative to Skool for many reasons.

If you want to learn how Heights Platform compares to Skool in general, check out this review: A Better Alternative to Skool for Courses and Community: Heights Platform vs Skool

Today we are going to focus on creating certificates of completion for online course students.

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What Are Online Course Completion Certificates?

An online course certificate is a reward given to students upon completing a course or a specific section of a program. These certificates are usually in digital form and serve as proof of completion.

A completion certificate's main purpose is to provide evidence that a student has successfully completed the course, including all lessons and assignments.

Even if the certificate is not accredited (meaning that it is an official document), it still holds significant value, as it represents the students' achievement and the fulfillment of their learning goals, as long as a third party can verify the issuance of the certificate.

How to Create an Online Course Completion Certificate with Heights Platform

So how do you generate certificates of completion in your course business?

And most importantly, how do you grant it to your students? Do you have to manually check which students completed the course and send them an email every time?

Well, it depends on the online course platform you are using!

With Heights Platform, you can design your online course certificate according to your branding, decide when to grant it to your students, and that's it!

online course completion certificate Heights Platform

Heights Platform will automatically deliver the certificates to students once they complete one of your online courses (you decide!).

So, let's see how easy it is to design and grant completion certificates using Heights Platform.

You can choose between multiple certificate templates to edit according to your branding and style!

First, you select a certificate template you like, then customize the colors and fonts to match your branding.

Once you're satisfied with the design, configure the settings to determine when and for which specific course students should be granted the certificate.

After that, you're all set!

Once students complete your online course, they will automatically receive the completion certificate, so you don't have to manually check their status, create a time-wasting CSV file or manually send them a pdf file each time!

They will receive a certificate that is personalized, with the student's name and your branding visible on the file.

Importantly, members will also receive a public web page link to share their certificate, where Heights acts as a third-party verifier to verify the authenticity of the certificate issued.

Plus, on Heights Platform you can further personalize your certificates by adding your signature and logo!

Benefits of Providing Online Course Certificates

Here is why offering certificates of completion in your online courses is a great idea:

  • Certificates Boost Engagement: One of the biggest challenges for course creators is getting students to engage with their courses. Offering a certificate can motivate students to go through the course content and actively participate.
  • They Make Your Online Course "Tangible": A certificate can serve as a tangible symbol of students' hard work. Upon completing the course, students can showcase their knowledge with their new completion certificate.
  • Certificates Reward Student Efforts: A certificate can gamify the online course and provide an incentive for students to complete the content.
  • Incentivize Course Purchases: A completion certificate can be a marketing strategy, especially for accredited certificates. Students may purchase the course to obtain the certification they need to achieve their goals.
  • Boost Social Proof: Offering a certificate and rewarding students can encourage positive reviews and testimonials, further boosting your course's reputation.
  • Help you Increase Customer Loyalty: A completion certificate can help past students remember your course and maintain a positive relationship with your brand.
  • Legitimize Your Teaching Method: A certificate can serve as proof of your expertise in your niche, regardless of whether it is accredited or not.

Create Your Online Course With Heights Platform

While Skool does not support creating and delivering personalized certificates of completion, Heights Platform offers a seamless solution for issuing certificates to your members.

Heights Platform allows course creators to design, customize, and automate the delivery of completion certificates, improving student engagement and satisfaction.

By integrating certificate creation directly into the platform, Heights Platform eliminates the need for complex and costly workarounds. This makes it a more efficient and cost-effective choice for creators.

But certificates of completion are not the only feature that Heights Platform offers more than Skool!

Heights Platform provides a wide range of features, including advanced tools for creating courses, customizable digital products, AI features, and strong marketing capabilities.

Try Heights Platform free today and see the difference for yourself!

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