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Heights Platform How to Launch an Online Community With AI in 6 Steps

How to Launch an Online Community With AI in 6 Steps

The concept of community has evolved significantly in recent years. Nowadays, communities are not restricted to physical locations. Instead, there is a growing trend of communities moving online and becoming important platforms for peopl...

Build and Promote Your Course
8 minute read
Heights Platform 8 Ways to Earn Money Online Without Investing

8 Ways to Earn Money Online Without Investing

It seems like everyone is earning a living online today. But if you don't have much money saved up and you don't want to start investing, can you still build an online business? The answer is yes, and today, we will show you how to earn...

Build and Promote Your Course
7 minute read
Heights Platform How to Become a Life Coach and Start Your Life Coaching Business

How to Become a Life Coach and Start Your Life Coaching Business

If you've heard of life coaching before, but you are not sure what this business entails, and how to become a life coach, then you are in the right place. Starting a life coaching business can be a profitable endeavor, offering you the ...

Build and Promote Your Course
8 minute read
Heights Platform How to Turn Your Book Into an Online Course (Non-Fiction)

How to Turn Your Book Into an Online Course (Non-Fiction)

Have you written a nonfiction book and you are looking for more ways to monetize it? Creating a successful online course from your book can be a great way to generate an additional income stream and offer more resources to your customer...

Build and Promote Your Course
7 minute read
Heights Platform How to Keep Earning From Your Online Course After You Launch

How to Keep Earning From Your Online Course After You Launch

Selling online courses is a business model with many benefits: flexibility, leveraged income potential, high rewards and low starting costs. However, as with any type of online learning business, selling online courses or membership sit...

Build and Promote Your Course
11 minute read
Heights Platform How to Optimize Your Online Course Checkout Page For Better Conversions

How to Optimize Your Online Course Checkout Page For Better Conversions

In 2024, around 70% of online shopping carts are being abandoned by users, and one of the reasons for this is a poor checkout experience. Improving the checkout experience can significantly increase your conversion rate, with businesses...

Build and Promote Your Course
7 minute read
Heights Platform Does Podia Have AI Features? How to Create Online Courses With AI

Does Podia Have AI Features? How to Create Online Courses With AI

Are you thinking of starting an online course business, and you are looking for the best online course platform out there? Then you are in the right place! Starting a business in 2024 means that you can leverage the power of AI. This i...

Build and Promote Your Course
7 minute read
Heights Platform Does Thinkific Have AI Features? Thinkific AI Tools Reviewed + A Better Alternative

Does Thinkific Have AI Features? Thinkific AI Tools Reviewed + A Better Alternative

If you want to start your own online course business in 2024, you are probably looking for a platform that allows you to create and sell courses, while also offering AI features to help you grow. Thinkific is a software that allows crea...

Build and Promote Your Course
12 minute read
Heights Platform Does Kajabi Have AI Features? How to Create Online Courses With AI

Does Kajabi Have AI Features? How to Create Online Courses With AI

Thinking of creating an online course? If yes, you know that you need an online course software to create and sell your program. You probably did some research about the best online course platforms our there already, and now you might ...

Build and Promote Your Course
13 minute read
Heights Platform Can You Charge One-Time Payments on Skool? Sell Individual Courses and Digital Products

Can You Charge One-Time Payments on Skool? Sell Individual Courses and Digital Products

Selling online courses and membership communities is a great way to start a business online, because of the flexibility that it provides to creators. However, to fully leverage the benefits of this business model, you need a platform th...

Build and Promote Your Course
6 minute read