Heights Platform Why Heights Platform is The Best Online Course Software for Creators in 2021

Why Heights Platform is The Best Online Course Software for Creators in 2021

6 minute read

Choosing a reliable online course platform to run your business is an important decision for every creator.

If you are having trouble finding the right platform for you, here are 10 reasons why Heights Platform is the best online course software.

#1. Helps Students Achieve Results

Whether you are selling online courses, membership sites or coaching programs, the main goal for your business is to share your knowledge and help your customers get results.

While your lessons, content, and the way you teach play an important role in the success of your online program, an online course platform like Heights can help your students learn by offering a few key features.

Feature to help students learn with Heights Platform online course platform

Heights Platform online course software was designed with the goal of imparting a feeling of "discovery" in your students. While going through your online course, they feel engaged and are incentivized to keep learning by completing lessons and achieving their goals.

The platform also lets you create personalized projects for your students, where they get a chance to put their knowledge into practice. By completing a project, students can consolidate and put their newly acquired knowledge to real-world use.

#2. You Get Higher Completion Rates

A common problem among online course creators is low completion rates. Completion rate calculates how many students actually finish an online course after purchasing it.

The average completion rate in online learning today is as low as 13%. This is because it is hard to keep students committed in online education tools that don't provide an engaging and easy to use experience .

So how can you increase your completion rates?

Heights Platform uses gamification tools like points and badges, employing the same principles that social media platforms and video games use to keep us engaged.

Why Heights Platform is the best software to sell online courses

When you are on social media, you are constantly "rewarded" by receiving likes and comments on your posts, this gives you a sense of achievement and instant reward, which makes you want to get back to the platform for more.

In a similar way, students in Heights Platform are rewarded for every small achievement (completing a lesson, watching a video, receiving votes on a project post, etc...). This way, they are guided towards reaching the end goal of your online course, resulting in a higher completion rate and positive reviews for you.

#3. You Have Full Ownership of Your Business

Many online course platforms and marketplaces today take a share of your business in a way or another.

Some take a percentage of your earnings, others keep your content and brand it as their own.

Heights Platform is like an invisible host for your content, powering it behind the scenes. You retain full ownership of your online business: everything you upload and the money you earn is 100% yours to keep. Upload your logo, set your brand colors, and build a learning program that is truly your own. 

There are no rules on how much you can charge your students, what your content should be and how you should sell it. You can manage your business as you see fit.

Create Your Online Course Today

#4. You Can Create an Online Community

With everything shifting online, people are more and more in need of a feeling of human connection. They want to feel part of a group of like-minded individuals.

This is why online communities are increasingly popular and are becoming a must for any online business.

In an online community, a group of people with common interests gathers in a virtual space to share opinions, learn new ideas, and interact with each other.

Why Heights Platform is the best software to sell online courses and create an online community

Creating community around a product or a business can be extremely beneficial for both you and your customers. It helps you nurture your relationship with your audience, better understand their needs and gather feedback about your online course.

Heights Platform is a great choice if you want to build an online community for your online course members. With features like the discussion boards, you can interact with learners, share their achievements and more.

#5. You Can Customize Your Online Space

Style customization and branding play an essential part in building a successful online business.

By choosing your branding style, you are building a "character" for your business that helps you stand out from the competition.

Building a personal brand and making sure it stands out from the crowd is not an easy task. But the best way to get started is by creating an online space that reflects your branding and style.

Heights Platform lets you create a fully customizable, white-label website that reflects your brand image and colors.

Why Heights Platform is the best online course software

You can edit your program's UI, upload your own logo, connect your custom domain, customize colors, fonts, and much more for your site.

Your online course, membership site or coaching program should be a reflection of your brand, which is why you need a platform that gives you full ownership of your content and style.

#6. You Have Full Flexibility on Payment and Launch Settings

A big part of building your online course is choosing how to get paid from your customers.

Do you prefer one-time payments? Installment plans? Subscriptions? A combination of these?

All of the above is possible with Heights Platform.

Depending on the type of online course you are selling, you may opt for different payment settings. If you own a membership site where students have access to your content forever and they get new lessons every month, you may want to set a subscription plan.

If your students can complete your online course in a short time, a one-time payment or a few installments are a better option.

Having the option of choosing among different launch strategies is also an important feature for online course creators.

Do you prefer to keep enrollment open at all times, or do you want to schedule one or multiple launches for your online course?

If you want to learn more about different online course launch strategies, check out this article from our blog: Selling Evergreen Online Courses Versus Scheduling Multiple Launches. Which is Better?

#7. You Can Create Unlimited Online Courses

Not all online course platforms out there let you create unlimited courses, membership sites, add digital products and more.

This may not seem like a big deal once you are getting started and want to sell only one online course. However, as you grow you might feel the need to diversify your product offerings and create additional online courses for your audience.

Wouldn't you love to have the freedom and flexibility of creating unlimited online courses and digital products while paying the same flat subscription monthly subscription?

Why Heights Platform is the best online course software

Heights Platform's Plans start at $39 per month and every pricing plan allows for the creation of unlimited courses, products, projects, message boards, and content bundles. 

Many other online course software tools out there limit your creativity by restricting how many courses you can create based on how much you pay, and it should be something to consider when choosing your preferred platform, even if you are just starting with one online course. Heights Platform gives you room to grow and experiment without worrying about increasing monthly fees!

#8. You Get Built-in Marketing Features

Promoting your online course is an essential part of building a successful online business. An online course platform cannot handle all the advertising for you, however, it can assist you by providing a few built-in marketing tools.

Heights Platform offers a built-in affiliate program, where you can generate special links so your students or external affiliates can promote your business, and you can monitor the number of sales you receive through detailed analytics.

Which platform should you use to sell online courses

Other important marketing tools to look for in an online course platform are:

  • Can you connect your own domain?
  • Is there a built-in blog feature?
  • Does the platform let you build landing pages?
  • Can add integrations with external apps?
  • Can you insert add tracking code or pixels on your website?
  • Does the platform offer basic email marketing features?

All of the above is possible if you choose Heights Platform as your online course software.

#9. You Get Detailed Students Analytics

Understanding how your students are performing can help you be a better creator and lead your students to success.

You should be able to assess how your students are progressing through your online course, how many lessons are they completing, which sections of your online course are the most popular and which lessons may need a little attention from you.

Heights Platform has all the tools you need to create and sell online courses

By looking at the detailed analytics about your online course, you have the chance to fix potential issues and create an overall better program for your students.

In addition to analyzing student progression, Heights' analytics can offer insights on your sales over a certain time period, number of active students and information about progress for the courses your students are enrolled in.

Check out all you can do with Heights Platform's detailed online course analytics.

#10. You Get a Dedicated Support Team

Even if you have full control over your online courses and digital products in Heights Platform, you still might have questions or be in need of assistance when it comes to the best setup or approach for your particular business goals.

Having a dedicated support team who has helped thousands of creators around the world launch their own online knowledge businesses at your fingertips is invaluable when it comes to solving issues that could affect your online business.

At Heights Platform we pride ourselves on offering the best customer service, and our creators feel the same way.

See it for yourself by reading all the happy reviews from our Heights Platform creators.

Heights Platform online course software features

Are you ready to start your online course or are you looking for the best online course platform to host your existing content?

Look no further, and experience why Heights Platform is the best online course creation software out there with our free 30-Day trial (no credit card needed)

Create Your Online Course Today
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