Heights Platform Introducing Integration with Unsplash - Free Images for Your Online Course

Introducing Integration with Unsplash - Free Images for Your Online Course

1 minute read

We know that running an online business means using many tools, and we want to help you reduce that number of tools as much as possible.

Heights Platform integrates directly with many popular products and services to help keep you focused on building and promoting your online course, without interrupting your creative process.

Creatives know that interruption to the creative process can significantly hamper progress. We want to help you stay in that flow state of creativity when building your online course.

Starting today Heights integrates with the popular photo site Unsplash, and now has Unsplash photos and search built-in! Now when you are creating a lesson for your course and suddenly realize you want to add a new image to your lesson, you no longer have to leave Heights to look for it.

Unsplash is the internet’s source of freely usable images with content from over 150,000 photographers around the world.

Heights Platform Unsplash Integration
Searching for and adding an Unsplash image to a lesson in Heights Platform.
Photo shown in demo above by Andre Furtado on Unsplash

When you click on “insert image” in your lesson or landing page, you can now search Unsplash over a million images to insert (in addition to uploading images of your own), right from your media gallery inside Heights. All images from Unsplash are 100% free to use in your online course.

In addition to lesson and landing page content, you can also use Unsplash to find and add images to your course cover images, and your landing page hero image.

Every image you insert automatically credits the photographer for you and includes a link to the photographer’s portfolio. This integration reduces the time it takes to find or take and insert an image for your online course from potentially up to an hour, down to a minute or so.

Next time you need a new image to help elevate your online course lesson content, forget about spending time and money scouring the internet for stock photos. Try out our Unsplash integration today and create brilliant online learning content faster!

Is there a product or service you use that you’d like to see integrated with Heights? Let us know!

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Post Topics:  Heights Product