Heights Platform Use ChatGPT to Create a Profitable Online Course With AI [+ Examples]

Use ChatGPT to Create a Profitable Online Course With AI [+ Examples]

8 minute read

A great way to use ChatGPT and artificial intelligence? Get the AI to generate business ideas for you!

An example includes creating and selling online courses with the help of AI.

So can you create an online course with ChatGPT? Yes, you can. And we also know an even better AI tool specifically designed to help you create awesome online courses in minutes with artificial intelligence.

Keep reading below to find out!

Like ChatGPT but for Online Courses: Heights AI

Before we explain how you can use ChatGPT for creating online courses, we want to show you an AI tool that is specifically designed for this purpose.

The Heights AI is a ChatGPT-powered tool that lets you build a digital course from zero.

It helps you get winning ideas for a course title, builds a course outline for you, generates marketing copy, and creates the online course in Heights Platform, the all-in-one online course creation software.

Heights AI create online courses with AI

While ChatGPT is great to generate text and offer you ideas, the Heights AI is not limited to text generation: it provides you with all the elements you need to launch a successful online course.

Plus, the Heights AI has a trick up its sleeve.

Other than being powered by ChatGPT, it also gets its knowledge from hundreds of articles and content created by online course experts who built Heights Platform!

So it combines ChatGPT’s reasoning abilities with all of our team’s knowledge and content. The Heights AI also has set rules and limits that do not allow it to hallucinate and provide you with incorrect answers.

Here are some of the magic that the Heights AI does:

  • Build a whole online course draft: If you give the title of your course, the Heights AI will generate a course outline, write a detailed course description, and provide a comprehensive review of your course title. Additionally, the AI will create an online course within your Heights account and even select a suitable cover image for you.
  • Engage in a conversation with the AI and inquire about topics such as course creation, marketing, and utilizing Heights Platform effectively.
  • Optimize your website pages for SEO: the Heights AI analyzes your web pages and offers personalized suggestions on how to improve the on-page SEO so that your website can rank higher on Google.
  • Your own personal coach: Reach the next level in your business with personalized coaching and autonomous assistance from an AI tailored to your unique needs and goals.
  • Ask the AI to edit your courses and products (coming soon!): Soon you will be able to ask the Heights AI to perform certain actions inside your Heights account. For example, you can chat with the AI and ask it to "set the price of your course to $200," and the AI will apply the changes requested, without you having to navigate the platform and spend time manually doing it!
Heights AI online course creation AI

To try out this incredible AI tool, create your account today!

Try the Heights AI Today.
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How to Use ChatGPT to Create an Online Course

Now that we have seen how you can use the Heights AI to generate an online course in minutes and become a course creation expert - let's see how you can use ChatGPT to start your career as an online course creator.

#1: Use ChatGPT to Generate a Winning Online Course Idea

The first thing you need to do before creating courses is come up with a course idea and draft your title.

The important thing to note is that you should already know the general topic of your online course.

If you have no idea what your next online school will be about, our advice is to NOT use ChatGPT to come up with a trending course idea. This is because ChatGPT cannot research trending topics on the internet, as it does not have access to the latest version of the search results.

As of today, ChatGPT was given access to the internet up until 2021, so it will not be accurate for trend predictions right now.

If you want to learn more about which course topics are trending right now, you should use other tools such as Google Trends (free to use) that can offer you an accurate view of search results live.

Related article: The Top 10 Most Popular Online Course Topics in 2023

So let's assume that you already know what the general theme of your online course will be about.

Now you can ask ChatGPT to help you come up with an attractive online course title, or refine the focus of your course.

For example, let's say that we want to create an online course about "home baking", as you are a great patisserie chef.

create an online course with ChatGPT

We have asked ChatGPT: "I want to create an online course about "home baking". Can you help me come up with 5 course ideas around this topic?"

The AI gave us more targeted ideas for online courses about baking. This is a great starting point to help you refine your course topic and get new ideas you might not have thought about before.

From the ideas generated by ChatGPT, we chose "Cake Decorating Masterclass" as a starting point for our title.

It still needs some refining, so let's ask ChatGPT to elaborate more and come up with a better title for this course.

create an online course with ChatGPT

Now we asked the AI: "I like the Cake Decorating Masterclass idea. Can you come up with a better title for this online course? I want to title to be detailed and attract potential students. Please generate a couple of titles ideas"

And it generated 10 potential course titles to take inspiration from.

Remember before when we talked about the Heights AI?

The Heights AI can also help you come up with an awesome title for your next course. Let's try using the Heights AI with the same idea: building a course about cake decoration.

ChatGPT vs Heights AI: Generating an Online Course Title

We tested the same idea using the Heights AI, and here is the result:

create an online course with AI

As you can see, the Heights AI offers more recommendations as to how you can draft the perfect title, and it gives you helpful advice rather than simply providing a list of titles (this advice is based on guidelines from the Heights Platform team, not ChatGPT).

You can also ask ChatGPT to explain the titles it generates in the prompt to achieve a similar result.

Let's put the titles generated by the two AIs in comparison. Please keep in mind that this is simply an example, and the result will vary every time depending on the prompt and topic.

Personally, the title I prefer from ChatGPT is:

Elevate Your Baking Skills: Master the Art of Cake Decoration

While my favorite title from the Heights AI is:

Learn How to Create Showstopping Cakes for Weddings and Birthdays

Both titles are good in my opinion. The latter generated by the Heights AI is probably my favorite because:

  • It focuses on a specific niche: cakes for weddings and birthdays
  • It is attention-grabbing
  • It plays on the desire of the potential students (create showstopping cakes!)

Which one do you prefer? Try out the Heights AI with your own ideas!

#2: Use ChatGPT to Generate an Online Course Outline

Next, it is time to create the outline for your online course.

The framework for your course is known as the outline or course syllabus. It comprises of various modules and lessons, serving as a guide to assist students in reaching the ultimate objective of your course.

Having ChatGPT generate your course outline can help you in streamlining your course creation process and can also provide you with ideas for topics or lessons that you may not have previously considered.

However, it's important to keep in mind that your own expertise and unique knowledge are the most significant aspects of your course.

You can use the ChatGPT-generated outline as a stepping stone and a source of inspiration to your creativity.

We asked ChatGPT to generate an outline for the title that we liked. Here is a snippet of what it wrote:

online course with AI

In total, ChatGPT generated an outline with 10 modules (too long for the picture above!). Also, in our opinion, a bit long for a course - you don't want to overwhelm your students with so many lessons and modules!

However, the fact that ChatGPT went into so much detail can be a great way for you to brainstorm ideas for your course content.

ChatGPT vs Heights AI: Generating an Online Course Outline

Let's try the same thing with the Heights AI.

This time, we will use the title that the Heights AI has previously generated: Learn How to Create Showstopping Cakes for Weddings and Birthdays.

create an online course with ChatGPT

The outline generated by the Heights AI is definitely more concise and to the point, which is great as it helps students reach their goals faster.

What is great about the Heights AI is that after you generate your title and outline, with the click of a button, you can have the AI create the actual course for you inside your account. This you cannot do with ChatGPT as it is not an online course platform!

create an online course with ChatGPT AI

With a click of a button, the Heights AI generated our cake decorating course for us!

It added a suitable cover image, created a course description and added all the lessons and modules it previously created from the outline, ready for us to edit and add our course content!

Here is a snippet of the course generated by the Heights AI in less than a minute:

AI course generator Heights Platform

All you have to do now is create content for your course lesson, set a course price, and you are ready to sell!

While there is still work to do in order to add in your unique teachings and experience to your new course, Heights AI just turned an hour or more of work into a single minute!

Try out the Heights AI yourself!

#3: Ask ChatGPT to Generate the Marketing Copy to Promote Your Online Course

Another important piece of online course creation is marketing.

You can ask ChatGPT to help you generate marketing copy to promote your course and increase sales.

From marketing material, marketing emails, course descriptions, social media copy and more.

Check out this article from our blog to learn more about ways to use ChatGPT in your online business: Best Ways to Use ChatGPT in Your Solopreneur Business [+ ChatGPT Prompts]

As an example, let's ask ChatGPT to generate an appealing description for our course.

The description will be the main copy on our course landing page, and it should help readers understand if the course is the right choice for them.

Here is what ChatGPT generated when we asked it: "Can you help me write a marketing description for this course? The aim is to explain what students will learn from the course, and how it can help them."

create an online course with ChatGPT AI

ChatGPT vs Heights AI: Generating an Online Course Description

You can also use the Heights AI to create an appealing description. Let's see how the Heights AI compares to ChatGPT in this task.

Considering that the Heighst AI is GPT-powered, it is no surprise that both course descriptions are great!

Here is what the Heights AI came up with:

create an online course with ChatGPT

The difference between ChatGPT and the Heights AI, is that the Heights AI already has all the ingredients for you to succeed.

Even though the Heights AI is GPT-powered, the Heights team has narrowed down its process to make sure that the outcome is always positive.

You can achieve awesome results with ChatGPT as well, but it highly depends on the prompt you provide the AI: if your prompt is not optimized, you might end up with low-quality results that do not apply to your unique situation.

#4: Create Content for Your Course and Sell it!

Once you have got the basics covered, you can now start creating your course lessons and their content.

If you have been using the Heights AI before, you already have a course done for you! All you have to do is add the content inside the lessons (which should be your unique creation).

After you have created the course content, set a price for your course and set up your marketing strategy, you are ready to sell your awesome course to your target audience!

How can ChatGPT help you in the content creation process?

You can ask ChatGPT to generate lesson content ideas, help you with your video scripts, AI writing for your sales copy, get ideas for your landing pages, write a blog post, and more!

Meanwhile, you can use the Heights AI to chat with the AI about course creation, get ideas for your marketing promotion, and even get your own autonomous coach to help you kick-start your business!

Creating an online course has never been easier with the Heights AI - create your free account today to try the Heights AI for free!

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