Heights Platform How to Monetize Your Blog in 2022

How to Monetize Your Blog in 2022

6 minute read

Are you running a blog or planning to start one?

Then you need to know all the different ways to monetize a blog.

Before we go any further, ask yourself, "why did you start a blog"?

Maybe you need an outlet for creative writing and putting down your ideas; maybe you love to share your thoughts with others and build a community; maybe you need to educate your audience about a product you are selling, or maybe you simply want to increase your income online.

Whatever the reason, it is always a good time to start thinking about ways to monetize your blog.

There are two main ways you can use to make money blogging: these are direct monetization and indirect one.

What do they mean?

Direct monetization means that your blog is your main source of income, and the money you make comes directly from blogging. Indirect monetization means that you are using the blog as a medium to promote other products or services, which generate income for you.

In today's article we will cover all the ways you can employ to make money blogging, both direct and indirect. So keep reading below to learn all about this and when it is the best time to start monetizing your blog.

When Can You Start Monetizing Your Blog?

If you have just started your blog and you only have a few articles in it, chances are that you won't get any real results.

There is no exact number or timeline for how much traffic or how long you need to wait before you can make money from your blog: that all depends on what you sell and how you intend to sell it.

It also depends on whether you plan to use direct or indirect monetization strategies in your blog. Direct monetization strategies include adding advertisements to your blog posts, getting sponsored posts or using affiliate links.

If you are planning to use this approach, then you need to make sure that your blog meets certain metrics in terms of traffic and Google ranking.

Depending on how much effort you put into your blog, it usually takes from 6 months to one year to see an increase in ranking and traffic.

With indirect monetization strategies such as promoting your products in the blog, there is no rule on when you can or cannot start: as long as you are providing value and writing informative articles, you can start redirecting your readers to your products right away.

Let's see what kind of monetization strategies you can use in your blog:

Indirect Blog Monetization Ideas

Sell Online Courses and Digital Products

Our favorite way to make money online and monetize your blog is by creating and selling online courses.

Promoting your course in a blog post offers a very easy way for readers to continue learning from you. Think about it: the reason why people read your blog posts is to learn something and solve a problem. In your online course, you would do exactly the same, but better and in more detail.

For example, if you are selling an online course that teaches others how to run Facebook ads, you could write a blog post about it. At the end of the blog post, you can mention that you also offer a course that gives people more resources and guidance to start running Facebook ads.

The blog post, in this case, is a great way to promote your online course, but also show a potential customer what you are capable of, and demonstrate your expertise in the topic.

Other products you could sell online to monetize your blog are digital downloads. These include eBooks, webinar or event replays, worksheets, templates, checklists and more.

While digital downloads are generally cheaper than courses, it can be easier to sell them through a single blog post, as they are more of an "impulse buy", meaning that a potential customer will convert faster and without conducting extensive research.

Are you wondering how you can create and sell online courses and digital products and promote them right from your blog? Heights Platform is the online course creation software that lets you create awesome online courses, sell digital products and even create your own blog, so you won't need multiple platforms to do this!

Related article: How to Sell Online Courses From Your Own Website

Start a Coaching Business

Your blog readers might want more detailed and personalized instructions compared to the ones they get from your articles, ebook or even your course. One-on-one or group coaching can be a great solution for them, and an additional revenue stream for you!

Online coaches help clients achieve specific results or solve problems by providing their unique expertise and support. Usually, online coaching happens through one-on-one virtual meetings or calls where clients receive highly personalized guidance based on their current situations.

Compared to selling online courses and digital products, online coaching offers the most personalized approach to the client, as the coach focuses on one or a small group of clients at a time (with the coaching service you offer generally being more expensive than an online course or digital download). This makes online coaching an excellent way to monetize your knowledge and make money online.

Check out this article from our blog to learn all about starting your own coaching business: How to Start an Online Coaching Business

Direct Blog Monetization Strategies

A more direct way to make money from a blog is by promoting affiliate links.

In affiliate marketing, you can make money by promoting someone else's products and receiving a commission for every sale you make for the brand.

The way this works is through a unique affiliate link: once someone clicks on the link and purchases the product or service you promote, the affiliate (you) receives a commission from the sale.

Here's how you can get started with affiliate marketing:

  1. Find a brand that offers an affiliate program
  2. Sign up for their affiliate program
  3. Use the URL link or code they give you to promote their products in your blog articles
  4. Receive a percentage of every purchase made through your link or using your code

Besides becoming an affiliate for someone else, you can also set up your own affiliate program, where other people promote your products. Learn more about affiliate marketing here: A Complete Guide on How to Launch an Affiliate Program to Promote Your Online Course

Display Ads on Your Blog Posts

Another way to capture additional revenue from your blog is to display other people's ads on your website.

Have you ever visited a blog post and seen many ads from other websites? This is because the creator decided to sell display ad spaces or join an ad network like Adsense.

Please note that you need to meet Adsense's eligibility requirements regarding content quality and how many people visit your blog to profit from this. Other network options include Adthrive, Mediavine, Ezoic and Buysellads.com.

While this is an easy way to create an additional revenue stream from the traffic in your blog, it is important not to overdo it and limit the number of ads displayed to only a few, to ensure you are not impacting the user experience on your site.

Accept Sponsored Blog Posts

If your blog gets enough visitors and traffic, other bloggers will want to produce content for your site, and will pay you for it.

These are sponsored posts, and here is how they work: if someone wants to promote a product or business but and wants to widen their audience, they will look for popular blogs in their niche and pay a fee to write a piece of content for that blog.

This way, the business they want to promote gets exposed to the blogger’s audience, and the brand gets more exposure and new customers in the long run.

Sponsored posts are a great way to make money blogging and getting new content without producing it yourself. However, you should be careful with how many sponsored posts you accept and from whom, as not to impact the quality and value of your blog.


There are many ways to monetize your blog and create an additional income stream. To choose the strategy that is best for you, you should get clear on what is your end goal.

If you started your blog only to make money, then direct monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, display ads and sponsored posts are a great way to achieve this.

If you started your blog to promote other products or services you sell, such as an online course, digital products or your coaching business, then you should focus on growing your blog organically, generating valuable content and driving your readers toward your paid products.

You can also choose to do both! As long as you are consistent with your messaging and do not impact the user experience on your blog, you can get creative on how you monetize your blog.

To try out all of these strategies without having to pay for subscriptions to multiple software tools, use Heights Platform to get everything in one place: the ability to sell online courses, digital products, and coaching programs, start a community and build your own blog.

Create Your Online Course Today