Heights Platform How to Successfully Run Group Coaching Programs in Your Online Business

How to Successfully Run Group Coaching Programs in Your Online Business

4 minute read

Group Coaching is a type of coaching model where a single coach helps a group of people achieve a set goal. This coaching practice encourages peer discussion and action within a given group.

Group coaching programs are often used to facilitate conversation and create a safe learning space among members of the group, while you - the coach - supervise and mediate the exchanges.

In today's article, we will explain what group coaching is, how it differentiates from one-on-one coaching and how you can start selling group coaching programs in your online business.

If you are interested to learn all the types of coaching products you can sell, check out this article from our blog: 6 Coaching Products and Services You Can Offer With Your Online Coaching Business

Group Coaching vs 1 on 1 Coaching

Apart from the number of clients served at a time, the main difference between group coaching programs and one-on-one coaching sessions is the structure.

With individual coaching, there are fewer set rules on how the sessions should be run, as it highly depends on the personal situation and goals of your clients.

In group coaching, as you are helping more than one person, it is safe to assume that everyone who takes part in the program will be in a different situation and have a different background. So even though the ultimate goal should be the same for all participants, you need to create a clear structure for them to follow in order to achieve that goal.

This will help you make sure that everyone is on the same page and provide the appropriate support for all the members to achieve their desired results.

So you should think of group coaching as a middle ground between online courses and one-on-one coaching. While you are still helping your clients directly and you are offering some individual coaching components, the structure of your program should be similar to the one of an online course.

Suggested article: The Difference Between Online Coaching and Online Courses - Which is Better?

Another difference between group and one-on-one coaching is your role. In individual coaching, you assume a leading role. As the coach, you would provide immediate assistance to the client as a result of your direct relationship with them.

However, when it comes to group coaching programs, you have to assume a more secondary role, so that the group members can interact with each other.

In other words, as a coach, your job in group coaching is to facilitate discussion and promote a space where the members can open up and learn, grow, and evolve together.

This can be achieved by providing structured learning tools to the group: workshops, activities, checklists, worksheets, which help improve the relationships between different group members.

Tips to Successfully Run Group Coaching Programs

Now that we covered the basics of what group coaching is and how it differentiates from one-on-one coaching, let's see a few tips to start selling group coaching programs.

#1. Make Sure Everyone is on The Same Page

The foundation of a successful coaching program lies not only in the abilities of the coach, but also in the people who take part in it.

For the diverse members to connect and work together, every group needs to have a shared foundation of similar expectations and goals. So no matter what background or situations your clients are coming from, make sure that they share the same vision and want to achieve the same goals.

The more similar your clients are in terms of expectations and results, the easier it will be for you to lead them to achieve their goals.

This doesn't mean that all of your clients in group coaching should be exactly the same, come from the same background and have the same experiences. Actually, diversity can improve your program even more, as members will receive unique insights and fresh perspectives from other members.

Instead, what you need to focus on is making sure that everyone has the same shared goals and expectations for the results they will achieve at the end of the program. It’s up to you to build this common ground from the start so that all the group members have a clear goal to work towards.

#2. Help Members Interact With Each Other and With You

In a group of people, everyone will have different personalities and different levels of comfort.

While some people may be more upfront and extroverted, others may be shy and less prone to share their views or interact with others.

Your job as a coach of a group program is not only to impart knowledge but also to help group members interact with each other and facilitate communication.

It is important to help everyone feel comfortable enough to communicate openly: to achieve this, you might have to find other communication techniques such as starting group activities.

Another important tip to help you achieve better communication among the group members is to ensure confidentiality. When you are getting started with the coaching sessions, make sure that everyone is aware that everything they share will be kept confidential unless you request their permission to share their story.

#3. Avoid "Groupthink" and Reward Any Interaction

Groupthink is a common phenomenon that happens to members of a group, where the individual often compromises their own beliefs in order to agree with the group consensus.

When we are in a group, it is simply easier to agree with everyone instead of standing out and providing a different opinion, especially with minor issues.

However, with group coaching, this phenomenon can seriously impact learning and growth in participants, while fresh, new opinions should be welcome.

To fight against "groupthink", try to make everyone feel comfortable in the space, and make sure that everyone's opinion is heard and addressed without strong criticism.

Rewarding any attempt to share an opinion can help your group members feel confident and incentivize them to offer any different views.


Running successful group coaching programs is all about creating a safe environment where group members can easily interact with each other, learn and achieve their results with the help of the coach and the group itself.

The main differences between group coaching programs and one on one coaching are the structure and the role of the coach. While one on one coaching focuses on a single client, in group coaching you are leading a group of people towards a specific goal. For this reason, members in group coaching programs need a more structured learning process more similar to an online course.

The role of the coach in a group setting is also different from 1-on-1 coaching: here the coach also acts as moderator and promotes interaction among the members.

To create a successful group coaching program, make sure that all participants have the same goal and expectations in mind, promote communication, and avoid "groupthink".

To learn more about starting your own coaching business and attracting new coaching clients, check out this article from our blog: How to Start an Online Coaching Business

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