Heights Platform Instagram Reels Ideas for Online Course Creators to Promote a Business

Instagram Reels Ideas for Online Course Creators to Promote a Business

1 minute read

91% of active Instagram users watch reels every week. If you open Instagram today, the majority of posts you will see are indeed Instagram reels.

Instagram reels is a feature in the social media platform that allows users to create short, up to 90-second videos. It was introduced in August 2020 as a rival to TikTok videos and has quickly gained popularity among users and businesses alike.

But what about business owners and course creators? Should you start making Instagram reels?

Instagram reported that one-third of the most-viewed reels on the platform come from businesses.

Furthermore, Instagram reel's engagement rate is higher than traditional feed posts.

In today's article, we will share how to use Instagram reels to promote an online course, and easy reel ideas you can start creating today to market your brand.

Why should business owners make Instagram reels?

Course creators and business owners, in general, can use Instagram reels to promote their courses in a number of ways.

The number one reason why entrepreneurs tap into the world of reels is to increase their visibility. By using the right hashtags and content, creators can reach new users through the explore page and attract a wider audience outside their followers' pool.

Reels also tend to be more engaging than other social media posts, making them more likely to capture the attention of viewers. With short videos, creators can quickly communicate important messaging to their target audience in a fun and engaging way.

In fact, Instagram reported that reels have a higher engagement rate than traditional posts or even Instagram stories. For marketers and business owners, this means that more people are going to interact with your content and take a desired action (ex: check out your course!).

Last but not least, creating reels is a cost-effective marketing strategy (unless you use Instagram ads). Recording these kinds of entertaining videos is relatively inexpensive and easy to do for most Instagram users, who will only need a smartphone with a camera.

Overall, Instagram reels can be a great way for course creators to increase visibility, drive more engagement, and reach new students.

How to Create Instagram Reels to Promote Your Online Course

Now that you know about the main benefits of posting reels for your online business, let's see how you can actually do it and what are some content ideas to get started today.

Step 1: Record and edit your reel

To make your first reel, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Select the "create a reel" option
  3. Record videos by holding down the red record button or record hands free, or upload a ready-made video from your camera roll.
  4. Once you're done recording, you can edit your reel by adding music from the Instagram music library and choosing trending audio, text, and other effects.
  5. Once you're finished editing, tap on the "Next" button in the top right corner.
  6. Add a caption and your hashtags, then tap on "Share" to post your reel. Your Instagram reel will appear on your feed and in the reels tab.

Check out this guide from Instagram about how to make the most out of this feature.

How long does it take to create an Instagram reel?

The time it takes to create an Instagram reel can vary depending on the complexity of the video and the amount of editing that needs to be done.

Recording the footage itself may only take a few minutes, but editing the video and adding music, text, and other effects can take longer. If you're new to editing videos, it might take longer to learn the tools and become proficient at using them.

However you are creating your content, keep in mind the importance of capturing your audience's attention!

Step 2: Use the right hashtags

Hashtags are a powerful way to reach a wider audience on Instagram. By including relevant

hashtags in your reel, you can help your content get discovered by your audience and people who are interested in your niche.

Researching and choosing the right hashtags can be a bit tricky, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier: take a look at the hashtags that your competitors are using and use hashtags relative to your topic.

When creating your Instagram reel, you can add up to 30 hashtags, so use them wisely. Make sure the hashtags you choose are relevant to your course and audience.

Step 3: Use Instagram's swipe-up feature (optional)

Instagram's "swipe up" feature allows you to add a link in the reel's caption. When viewers swipe up on the screen, they'll be taken directly to a page you want to promote.

You could use this feature to promote your course landing page and make it easy for new students to sign up directly from a reel.

However, to use the "swipe up" feature, you'll need to have a business account and have at least 10,000 Instagram followers or be verified, so this is not necessary, and you can still promote your course with reels even if you have less than 10k followers.

Instagram Reels Ideas for Online Course Creators

Now you are ready to start recording reels for your business. However, coming up with content ideas for trending reels can be hard, especially when you are a busy solopreneur trying to run a business!

Check out these reels content ideas below specifically designed for course creators, so you can start creating reels today and save time! With any of these ideas, remember to consider how you will capture the attention of your audience with a strong hook to keep them engaged.

#1: Showcase your online courses

One easy idea for a reel for course creators is to give a sneak peek of your course content or showcase a short lesson or tutorial.

This can be very easy to do since you already have everything you need to record this reel, and it can help your potential customers and followers to better understand your product and the value you are offering.

Here is an example of how a course creator shared a reel showcasing a digital product they are offering:

#2: Talk about your online course topic

A great way to promote your course without sounding "salesy" or too pushy is to simply create valuable content sharing advice about your topic of focus.

As a course creator, you are an expert in the topic you teach, so it should not be hard for you to talk about the same topics in a reel as well.

Whatever you are teaching in your online courses, talk about it in your clips by sharing tips, how-tos, and strategies with your audience.

#3: Share testimonials

Share testimonials from students who have taken your course and how it has helped them.

This is a fantastic way to promote your business and increase social proof on your account. Share your students' achievements and the transformation they had after completing your course.

Here is an example of how Mia Soskic - face fitness course creator - shared a reel of one of her students showcasing her before and after picture, highlighting the results of her face fitness course.

#4: Record a "day in the life"

Another relatively easy reel idea is to create a "Day in the Life" video of you teaching a class or creating course materials, or simply going on about your life.

This kind of content might be interesting to your audience and your most loyal followers. The reel below shows a Day in the Life video from Amy Porterfield, one of the most popular course creators today:

#5: Host a Q&A session

You can host a Q&A session and answer questions from potential students about your course, or simply record a video of yourself answering a common question you always get from potential customers or peers, like in the video below:

#6: Promote a new launch

If you are launching a new course or digital product soon, create a reel to promote the launch!

Simply showcase your new course or talk about its benefits and what future students will get from enrolling. Here is an example of how a course creator promoted their launch with a very simple reel:

#7: Repurpose content

Last but not least, another easy and quick idea to post reels is to repurpose content from different mediums and formats. For example, if you are recording YouTube videos, you could trim them and share the most valuable points as a reel or TikTok video.

Same for a podcast or any other content you have previously created. Here is an example of how Heights Platform uses clips from its podcast show - The Creator's Adventure - and turns them into Instagram reels:


Instagram reels can be a great way to grow your social media following, reach a broader audience and promote your online business.

Creating reels takes time and effort, so it might feel overwhelming for creators and entrepreneurs who are already busy running their businesses.

Hopefully, by reading this article, you now have more content ideas to start creating reels quickly and easily!

Instagram and social media are great ways to spread the word about your brand. However, these tools should not be the only way you market your course business. Learn all about marketing and promotion for course creators in these articles from our blog: