Heights Platform 4 Easy Tips to Boost Content Creation and Promote an Online Course

4 Easy Tips to Boost Content Creation and Promote an Online Course

4 minute read

Content creation is one of the best ways to grow an audience and promote your online business.

The problem? It takes an incredible amount of time and effort to produce content and experience the first real results.

Writing blog posts, recording YouTube videos or podcasts on a regular basis is not for everyone, and it might seem an impossible task if you are more introverted or camera-shy.

If you want to improve your content creation but don't know where to start, this article is for you. Keep reading to find out a few tips on how to make content creation easy.

#1. Don't Work in Secret - Start Creating Content Now

A common mistake that many new creators make, is delaying their content creation after their business launch. If your business is not launched yet, or you are not ready to publish your online course, you can still create content!

There is no rule that says that you cannot start creating content right now. Even if you are not ready to launch your online course or any other business, you can get a head start with your content.

Creating content before you have anything ready will help you do three things:

  1. Start building an audience interested in your business: Your online course or product launch will be easier if you already have an audience to promote to. You can start generating content about your niche months before you are ready to launch. If your blog posts and YouTube videos receive some attention and you manage to gain a few people interested in your business, they will be there when you are finally ready to launch, and you might get a few initial sales quickly!
  2. You have more time for your content to show up on search engines: It needs time for content creation to bring in the first results (sales, visitors etc...). It can take several months for a blog post to show up in Google searches or receive its first visitors. This is why the earlier you start, the better.
  3. You can practice and become better at content creation: Recording professional YouTube videos or writing in-depth blog posts is not easy. The more time you have to practice and find your voice, the better your content will be once you are ready to launch. Not to mention that before your business launch, you have more time in your hand to dedicate to content creation: after you launch your online course, you will be busy with marketing and customer service. So it is a good idea to start producing content early so that when you launch, you'll already have a system in place and it will be easier for you to generate content regularly.

#2. Create Content About What You Know

It's hard to generate content about topics that are unfamiliar to you. So if you don't know what you should be talking about in your blog posts or videos, simply talk about what you know!

What are you doing on your day-to-day? How are you getting ready to launch your business? How do you solve a specific problem? What progress are you making towards a specific project in your business?

Your audience wants to know which steps you take as an entrepreneur to build a successful business. And since these are things you are doing on a daily basis, it will be easy for you to talk about them and generate content without worrying about taking time to plan and write lengthy scripts.

#3. Repurpose Content

Once you have created a few pieces of content, written some blog posts and recorded a few videos, it is time to repurpose that content.

Repurposing content will help you quickly generate more pieces of content from existing ones, while at the same time reaching a broader audience.

For example, if you have written a blog post, try to think if you can create a YouTube video from it. Or maybe you can also record a podcast episode or write a newsletter about it?

There are many ways you can leverage repurposing content to create multiple pieces of content across different platforms, to reach different audiences. If you go at the top of this very blog post, you'll notice that this blog post itself is repurposed from the YouTube video about the same concepts that we embedded in this post.

#4. Split Your Content Into Smaller Pieces

Another tip that will save you lots of time when generating content is to split large pieces of content into smaller ones.

It is good practice to write long blog posts (1000-2000 words) or record longer YouTube videos (10-30 minutes). But you also need to be consistent with your content creation.

So once you generated these long pieces of content or "guides", check if you can create content about a specific section of that long blog post or video.

For example, let's say that you wrote a "guide" style blog post where you explained all about selling online courses, we'll call it "Complete Guide to Sell Online Courses". You probably had some chapters in your blog posts, something like this:

  • Find your online course topic
  • Create an online course
  • Promote your online course

After you publish your guide, why not go ahead and create an article for each smaller category? You can repurpose the ideas you already talked about in the main post but go into more details.

You can do this over and over again and start linking your pieces of content together.


Content creation takes a lot of time and effort. To see the first results thanks to content creation, you need to be consistent which how many blog posts or videos you publish on a regular basis.

In today's article, we have analyzed a few ways that can help you make content creation an easier process.

First of all, you should start creating content when you first have the idea of launching your own business. You don't have to wait until after you launched: in fact, starting earlier can help you grow an audience, practice your content creation skills and allow more time for search engines to notice your content and boost your SEO.

If you do not know what to talk about, start creating content about what you know. Talk about what you do on a daily basis to grow your business. This will make it easier for you to generate content as you are talking about something extremely familiar to you.

Repurposing content can also help you generate more content in an easier way. This means you can transform a YouTube video into a blog post, a podcast episode, a social media post, a newsletter and so on (and vice-versa).

Last but not least, try splitting your content into smaller sections and generate more in-depth content from it.

All of the tips described above will help you get started with your content creation in an easy way. The next thing you'll need for your business is a platform where to host and sell your online courses and create content from!

Heights Platform is the all-in-one online course software with everything you need to build a thriving online knowledge business. Among other features, Heights allows you to create a built-in blog so you get get a head start on your content creation alongside your online course.

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