Heights Platform Does Kajabi Have Gamification? How to Add Gamification to Your Online Course

Does Kajabi Have Gamification? How to Add Gamification to Your Online Course

5 minute read

Online course gamification means adding game mechanics to non-game contexts (such as your lessons in your course) as a way to increase engagement and participation among your students.

Examples of gamification strategies include using a point system or giving out badges and awards to your students once they complete a lesson or achieve a particular milestone. Some of these strategies might seem obvious, but there are many more subtle design decisions related to how progression is visualized and unlocked which contribute to a learner's experience.

Points and rewards create a feeling of achievement among students, and with that they’ll be more inclined to complete your course.

Does Kajabi Have Gamification?

No, Kajabi doesn't offer native gamification tools. As a Kajabi creator, you cannot award points to your students after competing for a lesson, or reward them with badges or certifications.

Kajabi gamification tools are very limited: all you can do on Kajabi is integrate with external tools that offer some gamification elements (such as quizzes or forms). However, this process can be complicated and involve a lot of manual effort - not to mention that, in many cases, you will likely have to pay an extra subscription to use the third-party app which may not tightly integrate with an individual student's completion data.

Which Online Course Platform Has the Best Gamification Tools?

If you want to create an awesome learning experience for your online courses' students, you need a platform designed with built-in gamification elements that make learning fun and entertaining.

Heights Platform makes it easy for you to reward student accomplishments!

Gamification features like points, badges, projects, assignments, community (and more) help creators shape the students' learning process into a fun experience.

Whenever a student completes a lesson inside your Heights Platform course, they can be automatically rewarded with a customizable number of points or a personalized badge.

By being rewarded for completing small tasks, such as simply completing a lesson, students are motivated to log into your program every day and keep learning. Heights takes the same principles of positive feedback loops that social media sites and video games use to keep users engaged, and applies them to your online course to help your students learn.

Here we talk about how Heights Platform compared to Kajabi in more detail: Heights Platform vs Kajabi - The Best Alternative to Kajabi

You can try Heights Platform out yourself for 30 days (no credit card needed)!

How to Add Gamification Elements to an Online Course with Heights Platform

Heights Platform offers different native gamification tools: this means that you don't have to integrate with external software or spend any time manually adding gamification to your course.

Let's see everything you can do with Heights Platform to create an engaging student learning experience:

Reward Students With Points

On Heights, students will receive a certain amount of points for completing a lesson inside your course.

By default, points are enabled in your program (you can always disable them if you wish). You can choose to give a different amount of points upon completion of each of your lessons.

Heights platform points online course

The picture above shows how a course looks inside Heights Platform.

The creator has set different points for each lesson, which will be awarded to students upon completion. (After clicking complete on a lesson, the student's point total at the top of their program animates and calculates their new points.)

Points are a great way to incentivize students to complete lessons and continue learning, as well as a data point for creators to assess the progress of students in their courses.

On Heights, you can access to detailed analytics about students' performance, making it easier for creators to understand how students are progressing through the course, which lessons or course materials students prefer, and where there is a need for improvement.

Heights Platform badges gamification

Assign Badges to Mark Students' Achievements

Badges are another gamification tool built-in into Heights Platform. Badges are automatically granted to students, so as the creator, you don't have to worry about setting this up and spend time manually granting them to students.

If you wish, you can also personalize the badges!

Heights platform gamification

There are two types of badges inside Heights. The first is System Badges. System badges are the default built-in badges that will be automatically granted when the student meets a certain condition inside your platform (for example: completing their first lesson, earning 100 points, etc...)

The second type is called Custom Badges. These are badges that you as the creator can create with your own custom imagery and style!

Custom Badges can also be manually granted to students, and we provide a selection of pre-made custom badges on which you can edit the name and description.

Heights platform gamification

Grant Completion Certificates to Your Online Course Students

An online course certificate is an acknowledgment of completion awarded to students upon finishing your online training or a particular section of your program.

Heights Platform allows you to customize your course certificates with your branding and style, and you can choose when to grant them to your students.

Heights will then automatically deliver the certificates to students upon completion of your online courses, according to your settings.

online course completion certificate Heights Platform

Learn more about creating certificates for your students here: How to Offer Certificates of Completion in Your Online Course

Create Projects to Promote Learning

Heights Platform's unique Projects feature lets students show how they put what they learned into practice.

Projects offer a hands-on approach for students to apply what they've learned in a practical setting. This method is deemed more beneficial for both students and creators compared to standard tests or quizzes. It is advisable to include at least one project in your course!

Heights Platform gamification projects

The Project should challenge the learner to put their freshly acquired knowledge into practice, aligning with the goal of your course or program. For example, if your course is about app development, the project could be titled "Build Your First App" where students would submit their work for evaluation.

Students have the opportunity to provide feedback and vote on each other's projects and can post their own once they've completed the course and reached the outcome of your teachings.

Keep Your Students Engaged With Assignments

Assignment lessons are a type of course lesson you can create in Heights Platform.

Assignments let you ask students to complete a certain task, or ask them a question at the end of a lesson in your course.

Students can type in their answers and even upload files. You can then review their assignment answers and reply offering your insights.

Heights Platform assignments

Assignments are a great way to track students' progress, offer them a chance to put their knowledge into practice and keep them engaged as they learn.

Interact with Students in a Community

Last but definitively not least, building a community is a fantastic way to keep students active in your entire course as they learn at their own pace, and promote peer-to-peer learning.

Heights Platform community

Establishing a community within your online courses can greatly enhance engagement and motivation among learners through social learning. A community serves as a platform where students can exchange ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback to one another.

Heights Platform integrates the online community directly into your program, allowing students to effortlessly access it while they learn.

By promoting interaction, collaboration, personalization, and creating an inclusive atmosphere, course creators can cultivate a sense of belonging and foster stronger connections among learners and the course itself.

You can structure your community as you wish: create channels of communication for different topics, group them inside channel groups, allow different channels to different students and moderate the posts inside your community (and more!).


While Kajabi gamification tools are extremely limited, Heights Platform was designed with gamification tools from the start.

In this article, we covered how Heights Platform is a better Kajabi's alternative when it comes to using gamification elements to improve overall learning experience. Learn more about the differences between Kajabi and Heights Platform.

Heights Platform offers many different ways for creators to interact with their students and craft an engaging learning experience.

Points, badges, completion certificates, assignments, projects and a whole community space built-in inside your program are great examples of how you can use gamification and game mechanics to build awesome online courses and improve your online business reputation.

Try it out for yourself by creating your free Heights Platform account today!

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