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Heights Platform How to Create Your Own Affiliate Program [5 Steps]

How to Create Your Own Affiliate Program [5 Steps]

Having your own affiliate program is a great way to incentivize your customers, audience and followers to spread the word about your business! As a course creator, you know how time-consuming it is to promote your online course and driv...

Heights Product
7 minute read
Heights Platform How to Make a Certificate of Completion for Your Online Course Students

How to Make a Certificate of Completion for Your Online Course Students

Ever wanted to offer certificates of completion for your online course students, but are not sure how to do it in an efficient way? Then you are in the right place! Keep reading below to learn how to make a certificate of completion for...

Heights Product
3 minute read
Heights Platform A Better Circle.so Alternative to Create An Online Community: Circle vs Heights Platform

A Better Circle.so Alternative to Create An Online Community: Circle vs Heights Platform

Circle is an online community platform designed for creators who want to build an online space for their audience to interact and connect. One of Circle.so alternatives is Heights Platform. Heights Platform is the all-in-one, AI-powere...

Build and Promote Your Course Heights Product
11 minute read
Heights Platform Top AI 'Copilot' Tools That Assist Creators With Artificial Intelligence

Top AI 'Copilot' Tools That Assist Creators With Artificial Intelligence

The latest craze in the world of AI is copilot tools. These AI tools are meant to assist humans in performing key tasks in their business, helping us accelerate our workflow, navigate a specific platform, and even coach us on how to gro...

Build and Promote Your Course Heights Product
7 minute read
Heights Platform New Updates to the Web Page Builder in Heights Platform: How to Build an Online Course Website

New Updates to the Web Page Builder in Heights Platform: How to Build an Online Course Website

A few months ago, Heights Platform released a huge update to its online course software: The Web Page Builder. Lately, new updates have been made to the Web Page Builder to make your design experience even quicker and easier! With this...

Heights Product
8 minute read
Heights Platform How to Get AI Title Recommendations For Your Online Course

How to Get AI Title Recommendations For Your Online Course

The title of your online course is super important. A good title is what catches the attention of potential customers and instantly lets them know that your course is the right one for them. A title is the first element that potential ...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
6 minute read
Heights Platform Best AI SEO Tool for Course Creators and Coaches

Best AI SEO Tool for Course Creators and Coaches

SEO - search engine optimization - is one of the most important aspects that help creators and business owners stand out online. The problem with SEO is that it is confusing, complex and requires a lot of effort and knowledge. If you a...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
4 minute read
Heights Platform How to Use AI to Create an Online Course [And Scale Your Business!]

How to Use AI to Create an Online Course [And Scale Your Business!]

Artificial intelligence is the talk of the moment. And many companies, such as OpenAI, are making it more accessible than ever. AI can be used for tasks such as chat, data analysis, and generating text and images, and it has opened up ...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
8 minute read
Heights Platform How AI Will Affect Online Course Creators [2023]

How AI Will Affect Online Course Creators [2023]

As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars, AI is transforming the way we live and work. One...

Build and Promote Your Course Heights Product
7 minute read
Heights Platform Best AI Tools For Online Course Creators, Designers and Entrepreneurs

Best AI Tools For Online Course Creators, Designers and Entrepreneurs

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the talk of today. 2023 has seen some major advancements in the field of AI, and it seems like this trend is here to stay, and it will only get better with every passing day. Many people are scared ab...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
8 minute read