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Heights Platform 15 Podcasts Online Course Creators Should Listen To

15 Podcasts Online Course Creators Should Listen To

Looking for some inspiration and tactics on how to run an online course business? Listening to podcasts made by online course experts and entrepreneurs might just be what you need to succeed in the online business world! In today's arti...

Build and Promote Your Course Heights Product
5 minute read
Heights Platform How to Choose the Right Online Community Platform For Your Knowledge Business

How to Choose the Right Online Community Platform For Your Knowledge Business

Building a thriving online community is a great way to grow your business and foster engagement among your audience. Many creators and business owners are aware of the power that comes with growing an online community: what they don't k...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
5 minute read
Heights Platform How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Online Course Website

How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Online Course Website

What is a domain name and why do you need one for your online course website? If you have been asking yourself this question, keep reading below. In this blog post, we will explain everything you need to know about website domain names ...

Build and Promote Your Course Heights Product
4 minute read
Heights Platform What is Drip Content? How Drip-Feeding Online Courses Improves the Learning Experience

What is Drip Content? How Drip-Feeding Online Courses Improves the Learning Experience

If you are an online course creator or you are interested in creating your first online course, you probably heard the terms "drip" and "drip-feeding". Drip-feeding course content to your students has many benefits, so keep reading belo...

Heights Product How We Learn
4 minute read
Heights Platform Turn YouTube Videos Into a Paid Online Course (6 Steps)

Turn YouTube Videos Into a Paid Online Course (6 Steps)

Are you a content creator on YouTube and want to monetize your knowledge by creating an online course? Look no further, in this blog post you will learn how to turn your YouTube videos into an engaging and valuable online course. YouTu...

Build and Promote Your Course Heights Product
4 minute read
Heights Platform Create the Perfect Checkout Experience to Sell More Online Courses

Create the Perfect Checkout Experience to Sell More Online Courses

The latest research show that 69% of online shopping carts are being abandoned by users. Among the biggest culprits of this number is the checkout experience. Ensuring that you are proving the best possible checkout experience for your...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
6 minute read
Heights Platform How to Offer Certificates of Completion in Your Online Course

How to Offer Certificates of Completion in Your Online Course

Many new online course creators wonder if they need to provide a certificate of completion to their students once they finish the course. You might have seen creators providing a certificate to their students upon completion, whether th...

Heights Product How We Learn
4 minute read
Heights Platform How to Create a Membership Site and Generate Recurring Revenue

How to Create a Membership Site and Generate Recurring Revenue

Have you ever wondered what a membership site is and how to create your own? Then you are in the right place. Membership sites are a great way for entrepreneurs and creators to monetize their knowledge, generate recurring income for the...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
5 minute read
Heights Platform The Best Way to Turn an Evergreen Online Course into a Cohort-Based Course

The Best Way to Turn an Evergreen Online Course into a Cohort-Based Course

Cohort-based online courses are getting more and more popular. So if you are a creator, you might want to try this new way of teaching online. Turning an evergreen online course into a cohort-based course can be an easy option to test t...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
4 minute read
Heights Platform What are Cohort-Based Online Courses? + How to Create One

What are Cohort-Based Online Courses? + How to Create One

If you are a creator, you are probably aware that there are many types of online courses and online learning business models. In addition to the most popular business model of self-paced online courses, you can create membership sites, ...

Heights Product Build and Promote Your Course
4 minute read